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A Combination That Makes For Great Sleep
2C-B & Ketamine
Citation:   mephisto. "A Combination That Makes For Great Sleep: An Experience with 2C-B & Ketamine (exp79457)". Dec 9, 2017.

12 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
  1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
My one and only experience(so far) of 2C-B, was after protesting my jealousy to one of my friends. She had told me about how fun it was, and I really, really wanted to try it.(as I like trying different chemical's and different combinations. My funniest and strangest one was ketamine and nitrous oxide - very strange, very much like paper mario - all layered. Best visual hallucination so far!!). So after a lil' bit of nagging she give me half of a 24mg pill.

I took it and waited. It took about 45min to kick in and when it did, it was as good as she had made it out to be... I felt on top of the world! No-one could annoy me, everything was so joyful. I was sat in my bed room playing diablo 2 on my pc, when my friend zig came round. He was wondering why I was acting so strange, so I told him and then he He thought he could try and take advantage, try and get me to think things that were wrong. So I talked back at him and proved him wrong in every way. (we both like getting into really 'heavy' conversations without the use of drugs anyway - so no

After a little while, I thought ''fuck it, its apparently an enhancer. Soo, lets test it''. So I took a small line of ketamine and let that get to work. It took no longer or shorter for it to get to work ( about ten minutes). The visual side was enhanced slightly. Being able to see all the light scares over the top of your vision can get boring after a while. But the physical effects that come with k were a nice bonus to the feeling of greatness already.

Carried on having in-depth conversation with my friend, then felt a bit peckish. It wasn't the fact that 2C-B made me hungry (got rid of my appetite completely) I just hadn't eaten much that day. So I disappear down stairs for a while. I got down there and closed my eyes for a second and realised that all these funky patterns were constantly swirling in my third eye. (it looked like how ice forms at a microscopic layer - very intricate and delicate but ever changing). I stood there for next couple of minutes

Time was never a factor whilst on this stuff, it just seemed to flow slowly. But then came the need to sleep. When I first layed down in my bed, I was expecting to take ages to fall asleep. I had previously found it difficult to sleep taking about 1-2 hours every night to get to sleep in the first place(usually crawl into bed about 1am) then having to get up for work. Not nice on the body. But that night was the best night sleep that I had ever had! Pleasant dreams, not many but still present. The next morning I woke up fresher then ever. It was like I had had two maybe three days worth of sleep. I was, as shulgir puts it, at base line as soon as I got up. No after effects what-so-ever. Ever since then, it never taken more then half an hour to get to sleep.

List of effects: very energetic, on top of the world, nothing could wind me up, visual hallucinations when the eyes were closed (similar to large amounts of k, and acid visual but better) attitude was that of a thirteen year old, very insightful conversations - very easy even if they did irratate my friend. Slight dulling of audio senses.

I believe that 2C-B should be put into study as something for people who suffer from insomnia or similar sleep conditions. Thank you for listening to my rambling.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 79457
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 9, 2017Views: 1,912
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2C-B (52), Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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