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Birth Memory
Citation:   Bruce McConnell. "Birth Memory: An Experience with LSD (exp79486)". Apr 19, 2018.

25 ug oral LSD
Rare LSD Effects

As always, my LSD sojourns into visionary experiences receiving so much praise by others evaded me. In the past, absurdity itself dogged my mind/body interpretation of all sorts of experiments that gave others what was expected, from Budweiser to Slivovitz, from Leper Weed to Ecstasy. Even so, I was surprised by the unexpected skull crushing sensations on my first LSD trial and the writhing during later trials into floor positions with muscles graced with astonishing energy. Soon, I learned from Dr. Grof himself, that the alarming skull pressures ascending from the roof of my mouth, moving into the maxilla, climbing across my nasal bone and shearing my forehead in opposite directions was a birth memory of one born by “Twilight Sleep”, an obstetric procedure abandoned thirty years after I was born. My initial resistance to this interpretation finally gave way to the unmistakable correlation between the LSD memory and what the fetus would feel as the doctor’s first two fingers drag the baby out of the birth canal by the roof of its mouth, producing obvious distortions of the skull in the expected sequence. This was a real memory, it was resurrected by a very small dose (25ug) of LSD and it happened only once, disappearing totally after several days of exact encores in the form of “flashbacks”.

Later trials with higher doses (100-250ug) of the same street lot of LSD produced effects of an entirely different kind, in which a two-minute spike of heart rate, blood pressure and oral temperature was followed by several cycles of twisting into fetal positions with intense flexing of all skeletal muscles.

A glorious change came over me in the following two or three days, in which I was highly aware of my surroundings, as if they were new. This was accompanied by a new state of relaxed movement without any sign of fatigue, reminiscent of the ease in which a lion or leopard walks, confident in ability. More LSD trials produced the same stages of LSD effect and I reached unaccustomed levels of ability in sports activities. This blissful state would not occur unless I fully participated in the muscular work during each session.
This blissful state would not occur unless I fully participated in the muscular work during each session.

What does one make of this? To a biochemist, the idea that a tiny amount of drug just sufficient to cover the head of a straight pin would elicit an unforgettable nine-hour trip was, to say the least, impressive. The temptation to account for the birth memory and for the struggles in later trials was irresistible. A hallucinogen started a process to open a memory site for release of its contents into conscious awareness after >four decades of hiding.

Exp Year: 1975ExpID: 79486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 980
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LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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