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Is This Real?
Citation:   bee role. "Is This Real?: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp79621)". Oct 25, 2013.

475 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
So, I've been a user of pot for a decent amount of time. It was getting old and I was ready to try something else. I bought a 36 pack of Dramamine at CVS and I did them and was looking to further explore the effects of anti-histamines. I was in the nurse's office at school and decided to go in the cabinet and grab about 40 of them (she had 1000 in a jar).

Later that night I was pumped and ready to start my experience with it. I counted out 19 of them and swallowed them with a can of Dr. Pepper. It had been an hour since I'd popped them and I knew it was gonna start. Normally with anti-histamines I get a very heavy feeling while I'm in the threshold effects and it didn't come as much of a surprise to me. I was expecting to get some wheezing of the throat when I breathe in but I was surprised nothing happened like that.

About 1 hour and 45 minutes later I was in my basement listening to Smashing Pumpkins and I started to feel a little funny. I started to zone out and my carpet was slowly turning pink and then I closed my eyes and I knew that I was going to fall asleep if I didn't do something. I tried getting up and saw that my tv stand started to twitch and I decided to leave to the bathroom. I think dramamine or benadryl cause me to pee a lot due to a temporary enlarged prostate. Walking was starting to get a bit hard. I was walking into the door frames on the way out of rooms when I tried to turn and my body felt off-balance.

After going to the bathroom several times I slowly made my way upstairs and saw my sister baking brownies. I tried to avoid her because I knew that it's near impossible to form complete sentences while on drugs like this. I avoid anyone who I don't want to know what substance I'm on because while on Benadryl it doesn't take much to notice I'm fucked up. I stood at a distance and turned my back and some dried leaves on the floor near my porch door. I went to my fridge and got a pepsi because I need some caffeine to help fight the sleepiness. While standing in front of the fridge heard a loud buzz coming from somewhere in the room. I looked back at the leaves and saw one twitch and I went to pick it up to see if anything was under it and nothing. I sat on my couch and stared at the leaves and all of the sudden my sister turns on the mixer and it was LOUD. Make sure you do dramamine or benadryl in a quiet comfortable environment cause loud noises can be very traumatizing. Even the day afterwards during the hangover I get very spooked with loud sounds and my heart will jump. I freaked and decided to leave.

On my way down the stairs it took a lot of focus and concentration to get down without falling because my legs felt very heavy. I went to my couch and sat down relived from trying to mask my state of mind. I closed my eyes and I started to drift out of reality. I woke up at what appeared to be 6 am but there was not even a crack of light in the sky. I had to get up and go pee for the 20th time tonight. I went go get a Mountain Dew in my storage room and it kept disappearing as my hand was about to touch it. I later realized that I haven't had Mountain Dew in that room for weeks and went for a water instead.

I barley made it back to the couch because I almost tripped on a shoe and recovered in time because my brother had just came in the house as I walked by. I got back to the couch and cracked the water open and chugged it down because I was dehydrated and sweating. At this point my heart was thumping in my chest and I was getting a little agitated that I wasn't hallucinating as much as my previous trips. A few minutes later I heard a voice calling me in a strange language. I ignored it cause I knew from past experiences that investigating the voices will lead to even scarier things. I once followed a voice into my boiler room and it made a terrifying noise that made me freak out.

While waiting for the trippy stuff to happen I managed to fall asleep. The dreams I had seemed so real. It seemed like I was having an OBE and going around my house. My OBE went to all my hiding spots where I put my bud and it would then cut to another spot and so on. The messed up thing was that in all my spots there was about .3 or so of bud in a bag so that got me excited and in one of the spots there was a $20 bill. I woke up later sweating and there was a small puddle of drool on the pillow my head was on. I looked at the same clock as before and it was 3 am.

I made my way to my bedroom and it proved a challenge. My whole body was sluggish and I feel like I weigh twice as much. I felt really strung out and I need sleep fast. Unluckily for me that won't happen. I lied in my bed and my whole body was sweating. It was getting a bit annoying trying to sleep. I had body tremors every 15 seconds and my body was not cooling down even though I was in nothing but boxers and two light cotton sheets. It took about 45 minutes to finally sleep.

I woke up that morning feeling sleepy and gross from sweating. I was time for the dreaded hangover. I had to go to a meeting with my guidance counselor and it still proved a small challenge to walk straight and to form complete sentences. During a hangover I can still find myself getting the spooks from loud noises or bangs.

Overall it's weird and a bit dirty. It's dirty as in I feel really terrible while on it. My stomach feels strange and my whole body is awkward and uncomfortable. Don't do it on a school night or if you have something important to do. I think it's something cool to experience and it provides a crazy story to tell. Be prepared for a some crazy stuff to happen. Be open minded and not scared when you do this. It's something I'd advise someone who's new to hallucinogens not to try. It's cheap but beware, these pills will drag you to hell and back if you let them.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79621
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2013Views: 4,882
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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