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2C-T-2, 2C-T-7, 5-MeO-DiPT, DPT & Harmala
Citation:   One Forty Three. "Research: An Experience with 2C-T-2, 2C-T-7, 5-MeO-DiPT, DPT & Harmala (exp7967)". Jan 5, 2002.

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Hello, some useful info (I hope).

Let me start by saying I bio-assay these compounds in a most eduacted manner I can. I make it a point to use everything by myself in as conducive an environment I can. Despite my obvious enthusiasm I have never experienced full effects from anything(and have done this intentionally). This in order to avoid any undue trauma and whatnot. I consider myself a 'reality designer' in that I use variations and combos in the course of my daily life(work, family, etc), and I do this 'often'.

Anyhow I've learned a few things that I hope may be interesting:

Given the above compounds I fully DISAGREE with reports of lack of tolerance. The legal(albeit pricey) 2C group is my curent area of most interest.

Started with 5mg of T-2(and later T-7) up the nose. This method preffered as I'm not rich nor have I extensive amts of time to devote. I take whichever amt I take and divide it into many small lines of 1-2mg each, taken an even 5-10 minutes apart to lessen the unpleasant come-up. I.M. I find a bit smoother perhaps but a lessening of the quality and fluidity of experience, and appears only slightly more potent per mg.

First experience was very pleasant after the initial vomiting and pronounced discomfort. Visual effects were in no way overwhwlming tho I can see that they could quickly become that way. Excellent quality, detail, and fluidity noticed and increasing over the course of several hours. A 'peak' only in terms of discomfort near the beggining. Very benign feeling and, esp with T-2, a great sense of creative, outlandish, and controlled humor. Feels very good for my body and noticed an improved sense of communication and felt very very 'smart' and in controll when I needed to be. Combinations all have proved useful and enjoyable(given my very tactful way of opperating)

So en-2-sed was I that I elt very comfortable using the chems daily and have never felt less alone and experience not the vaguest hint of fear at ANY TIME.

However a DRAMATIC Tolerance was noted, and now 30mg up the nose produces less an effect and lack of euphoria experienced from 1st 5mg dose. Visual and psychic effects were always EXACTLY THE SAME in nature and became bored and frustrated by this. Unhappy with this, on the last day of my test run, 50mg T-2 and 50-mg T-7 were dissolved in hot water, en-sryinged, and over the course of 30 minutes, evenly consumed in this form by injecting the fluid into OOO gelcaps and quickly swallowed to avoided liquification of said gelcap. Effects were very mild at the 2-hour point and so 100mg DPT and 15mg Meo-Dipt, and 50 mg harmala alkaloids were dissolved together and consumed in the same maner, along with grass and 1,4 to ease the ride. Unforunately effects were mild to say the least and was thouroghly unimpressed and could have gone to work with no trouble. To make it worse this was consumed late in the evening and a continual low level nausea and dicomfort were experienced throughout the duration(although no need to vomit). Spent extensive amounts of time on the throne emmiting bizarre greenish feces. Felt very 'cleansing' tho...

I know full well that this combo taken by a first timer would have put them in the hospital. Would like to believe that my brain is storing these compound for delayed, long-term, benefit. After this period of consumption feel very changed- fears gone, great realizations of Cosmic Protection, and a very wonderfull sense of clarity. Old fears and paranoia(lingering from excessive and reckless, and isolationist use of Ketamine in earlier years were explained to me and purged from my system. Body and mind feel free from any tension and life-time conditions such as chronic reflux seem to have been 'cured'. Have become totally interested, and take GREAT JOY in pleasing other people and plants and feel very open, secure, and comfortable in gently amusing strangers. People melt with my smile and humor and am aware that I am free to create whatever reality I so choose. Family(unsuspecting as they are) have a new joy in their eyes and are delighted with my giving and kind nature on an order of several magnitudes than before. Hands feel gentle and I realize that I will be given evrything I will ever need and could possibly want, if i do my part...

Make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT! T-2 and 7 WILL tap you into direct contact with 'They' that control our reality. However, unlike the shock and confusion of tryptamines, this is done very sublty and non-threateningly, and is always good news. The most profound, unambiguous, thoughts appear in the mind, and once they've been thought, there is no uncertainty that they were not my own. 'They' reshape your world view without you realizing 'They' are doing it- lovely! Imparted to me was the idea that blissful, orgasmic pleasure is our 'natural' stae and we'll be lead over time moreso to this state perpetually. My wildest dreams of a perfect life are a joke to the profound love and pleasure 'They' will soon create for me... Of that was may very clear to me in no uncertain terms... Will be chosen the ideal mates(lots of them) and am expected to explore as much as i want. NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS provided it's done out of love.

More notes- when going VIA I.M. route have found with all chems that best is to use ALOT of water and inject gradually over 5-10 minutes. This means leaving the needle in for all this time. To avoid pain and bruising, hold base of needle very still and inject with the other hand.

*** BTW I consume absolutely NO caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or any upper or downer and was 'told' that these are no longer nescessary and are infact maladaptive coping mechanisms designed to keep us in our 'cage' ***

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7967
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 5, 2002Views: 3,214
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2C-T-2 (53), 2C-T-7 (54), 5-MeO-DiPT (57), Harmala Alkaloids (76), DPT (21) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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