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Light and Cool
Citation:   EastSideMag. "Light and Cool: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp7980)". Erowid.org. Feb 9, 2004. erowid.org/exp/7980

2 Tbsp oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
One night, my friends and I were bored. We then thought of what we could take that we could buy at the store to make us high or hallucinate. I came up with nutmeg after remembering a friend's experience on it. So we drove to the local store and bought two containers of ground nutmeg. The experience was pretty cool. Here is what happened:

12:15 am I ingested 2 Tbsp of ground nutmeg. I washed the nutmeg down with coke. This almost eliminated the bad taste.

1:45 am At this time I felt like I had a couple of beers. Just a slight buzz feeling. Nothing much.

3:15 am I started to see minor trails coming from objects as I walked past them. Also when I move my hand around.

4:00 am I when back to my room and turned a blacklamp on and started to listen to music. I have stars on my ceiling that were glowing. When I stared at one star for a while, the surroundings around the star started to change color. The color changes seemed to be foggy and cloud-like. I then started to move my head from side to side to the beat of music while looking at the stars. This was rather cool considering every star had a trail. I was feeling qite euphoric and energetic. Never did I think the color changes were real. I knew they were just hallucinations.

4:30 am I was watching t.v. and I found myself zoning out. After zoning out several times. I decided to go to bed.

2:00 pm I woke up feeling tired. I didn't have a headache or anything that would resemble a hangover. I didn't appear to be feeling anything. So i went to watch t.v.

6:30 pm After watching t.v. for several hours, I went to go to the store. When I was out walking around, I felt tired and disconnected. I felt as if the world around me was moving a little faster than normal. Nothing intense though.

9:00 pm Everthing back to normal. Feeling sober.

The next time I do it, I will take more than 2 Tbsp to get a more intense feeling. But what i took was still pretty cool.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7980
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 9, 2004Views: 9,563
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