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Roaming the DXMverse
DXM & Damiana
Citation:   PrimitiveMind. "Roaming the DXMverse: An Experience with DXM & Damiana (exp79861)". May 24, 2021.

700 - 720 mg oral DXM (liquid)
    smoked Damiana  
Background: 'Robo' tripped over 200 times, full level 3 plateau every time, always 8 oz. Maximum Strength Robitussin or 8 oz. CVS Maximum Strength equivilent and (insert pretty much every other psychadelic).

My routine: I plan a time to drink and do not ingest or otherwise use any other 'drugs' nor eat for at least 8 hours. I used to smoke marijuana regularly especially during DXM trips, but have since quit and now know, at least for myself, that Damiana is much better, but I will get to that.

I do not get the first real CEVs until roughly the three hour point, so I find something to occupy myself while waiting, usually video games. I find that inherently trippy games speed the process, but I am sure it's all in my head. Either way, no matter what, by the third hour I am on my way...

When I close my eyes on DXM, I find at the beginning of the trip, there are only vapors in the distance.... I find if while eyes closed I cross my eyes, as if I were looking at a Magic Eye image with eyes open, I can see through the darkness and bring these distant objects to the foreground hastening the come on. This has taken a lot of practice, but now seems very normal. Once I have reached that point while on say, the couch...

I run the bath. I find nothing allows the full, beautiful spectrum of DXMs amazing visual and emotional abilities through than that of complete darkness and water. Therefore, I sit in the tub, full of room temperature water, so that the temperature difference of hot or cold water does not detract from what I should really be focusing on (I have tried both cold and hot, both interesting, but again, they detract from the experience).

Music is maybe is the one thing DXM makes better than any other substance I know of. It really allows my mind to fill in the blanks the way my mind sees fit and makes it my own while creating amazing visuals based on what I feel about the music I'm listening to. But for the sake of really allowing my mind to take the wheel, instead of pre-written music, I find nothing better inspires the magic of DXM than Nature Sounds. Most nature sound type machines are very repetitive, which isn't so bad, since I will be concentrating on other things, but I find that there are a few variants that allow for some very intricate environments, completely customizable. I have an iPhone app (super convenient for bringing the bathroom). It is fully customizable to suit exactly the environment you want, and even allows you to save bookmarks to quickly switch. I can turn one on and be nothing but jaw droppingly amazed for two straight hours, or longer. While in a lit situation OEVs and CEVs are drastically different, in a completely sealed off, pitch black room, I can keep my eyes open and experience CEV type visuals, making the experience that much more rewarding since I know my eyes are open...

Damiana: I used to smoke marijuana all the time anyway, but doubley so when on DXM, to quell the nausea. I have not used marijuana it some three years now, but even when I did, I still found that Damiana brings the trip to a whole new level. It helps with the nausea somewhat, but more importantly, it really expands the realm of visuals and emotional responses. It is hard to explain, as most of this subject matter is, but it just feels right, like it's what the DXM was missing all along. Now I won't even bother using DXM if I don't have Damiana, as it feels like a waste.

Purging: Big Mistake #1 = Not Purging

By hour five, if I haven't already puked my brains out, I stick my finger down my throat and get rid of it. I have purged two hours after drinking, before I even really started tripping, and been out of it, at least plateau two for the next six hours. But if I'm having a great time, it is better to purge before I 'have to'... by the fifth hour more than enough to keep me going has already been ingested. If I keep it in, I will not be happy the next day, when I finally wake up.

These are all personal preferences for an experience I have been honing for years to find the perfect, most enjoyable experience.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79861
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 24, 2021Views: 1,300
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