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No Trip At All
Pseudoephredine with Acetaminophen
Citation:   abuzR. "No Trip At All: An Experience with Pseudoephredine with Acetaminophen (exp79869)". Jul 11, 2009.

240 mg oral Pseudoephedrine (pill / tablet)
I found some old cough and sinus pills lying around and decided to try them out. The only main ingredients were acetaminophen and pseudoephredine. The dose per pill was 500mg/60mg respectively. I have read about people experiencing intense euphoria from pseudoe, and also others have reported that nothing happened at all.

I took 4 pills. I did not experience anything other then a little bit of jitteryness (is that even a word?)

Not worth my time

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79869
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2009Views: 21,760
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Pseudoephedrine (215) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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