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Five Senses Become One
Citation:   kaleidoscope. "Five Senses Become One: An Experience with Cannabis (exp79965)". Jul 9, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Cannabis
  T+ 1:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis
I have researched cannabis, and picked apart all the health pros and cons of it. At the time I dabbled with marijuana from time to time, and never really acheived a 'high' that my friends described. So I saved up some money and bought some hydro.

I got all the necessary requirements for an enjoyable marijuana experience, my pipe, sublime (my favorite band), cookies, and the weed of course. I finished the bowl and within a few minutes began to feel the effects. The quality of the weed was very good. You get what you pay for. My legs began feeling like they were falling off my body. Every movement felt like a delayed reaction. My head began moving around on my shoulders, I was unaware of this. I began to see in somewhat of tunnel vision, but it was slightly colorful in my peripherals. The music resonated in my head, my sinuses. My head was like the body of an acoustic guitar.
My head was like the body of an acoustic guitar.

About thirty minutes into the experience I felt hungry, so I grabbed my cookies and began to munch. I felt like I was inside my own mouth. I could feel and taste every ingredient in the cookie. It was quite amazing.

After about an hour I thought it was time for another bowl. So I smoked one more and layed down on the bed. I felt magnetized to my mattress, like I was becoming one with the bed. I adjusted and then felt like I was in a rubber tube, my muscles contracting and moving to fit through. All the while I hear the warpy echoing music. This went on for about an hour until I decided to go outside. Once outside I felt truly enlightened and amazing. The weather was perfect, and the feel of the breeze against my skin was magnified. I heard a car horn, and the sound repeated itself for a few seconds then faded away. My head was buzzing, along with the vibration of my body. I felt just right.

After awhile of my walking I went inside. It had been about 2 hours and the peak had worn off. The after effects were really nice. A relaxed feeling, but not a sleepy one.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79965
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 694
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Alone (16)

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