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I Acquired a Prescription
Citation:   NikLunatic. "I Acquired a Prescription: An Experience with Meprobamate (exp80017)". Feb 16, 2019.

1600 mg oral Pharms - Meprobamate (pill / tablet)
Relaxing with Meprobamate

I have been taking meprobamates since the 1960s. I found them to be more relaxing than Librium or Valerian extract which my parents gave me. I have experienced them ever since my pediatritian first prescribed them to me.

I acquired a prescription for meprobamate (400mg. per tab) and #60 tablets per script.

At 6:00 AM I take four 400mg tablets. They were bitter and I used some grapefruit juice to chase it down with.

6:30AM I noticed the initial effects which were the numbness and tingling in my fingers and legs, disinhibition, and mild intoxication.

6:45AM The sedation became stronger, I was acting loose and I lay down.

10:00 AM (appx) I awoke, but I was still relaxed and feeling euphoric.

The feeling of relaxation stayed with me throughout the day. I liked the effects and after my initial nap, I was able to go about the day, but go about it with a smile. Time seemed to go by quickly and when night started to fall, I relaxed watching The Night of the Hunter with Robert Mitchum (an old film noir done in black and white with Lilian Gish co starring). I slept well that night and when I feel anxious, I will repeat the experience.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80017
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 16, 2019Views: 2,690
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Pharms - Meprobamate (212) : Alone (16), General (1)

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