Mass Confusion
Citation:   Justjasontm. "Mass Confusion: An Experience with Ketamine (exp80142)". Aug 13, 2018.

110 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I have been wanting to try Ketamine for a long, long time. I've done mushrooms, Acid, MDMA, Cocaine all kinds of other things numerous times but have NEVER come across K.

One day recently a friend of mine told me he had some and I told him I had never done it so at this upcoming party we were going to together he told me he would let me try a dose, Now once we finally got around to doing it at the party it was very late, we had been drinking a lot, and taken some MDMA, So I decided not to do it. I said 'maybe another time man' but he insisted I just take the dose with me, because it is well worth trying, So I took it home.

A few days later, bored at my house I remembered I had the dose of K, and decided to do it.

So I Prepared, I cut it out, Dimmed the lights, put on some gorillaz, and took off.

Snorting this hurt like no other thing I have ever put in my nose.

One minute goes by all my extremeties go numb and I feel my breathing slowing down tremendously.

I then tried to pick up some poi and start spinning them but found that they were heavier than bricks, and
I then realized my body was too.

So I flopped on my bed and that's when it gets kindof hard to remember.

I remember laying down, and the sound of the Gorillaz songs I have heard so many times before were completely distorted
and sounded like new never before heard songs all together.

My vision was insanley blurry, and my head was spinning in every direction. Within 5 minutes I had completlely forgotten that I took the K, trying to figure out why I couldn't make sense of anything, and why my room looked like a place I've never been in.

I closed my eyes, and so many thoughts and images were going through my mind. All I kept thinking to myself is that I was completely, and utterly confused, and I couldn't get a grasp on what was going on.

My hands were so heavy they felt like they had been nicely weighted with some sand or something, so I started to move them around in such fluid movements to the music. But when I touched them together or touched anywhere on my skin, my skin felt hard, and brittle like Sticks. I had no perception of time, and really didn't know what time it was because I couldn't focus my eyes on the clock it was all just a big blur.

But by time the Demon Dayz album by the Gorillaz was over I felt a little more aware of everything although my head was still massivley spinning and my body was like a ton of bricks.

I then finally managed to stand up and use the bathroom but it was incredibly hard to walk.

Came back to bed and fell asleep quite easily.

One of the best times I've ever had.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80142
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 13, 2018Views: 1,023
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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