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The Universe Is Beautiful Painting
Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
Citation:   dukeboiz. "The Universe Is Beautiful Painting: An Experience with Hydrocodone (Vicodin) (exp80273)". Dec 12, 2017.

20 mg oral Hydrocodone (ground / crushed)
  2000 mg oral Acetaminophen (ground / crushed)
It was a tuesday. I had recently been caught smoking weed and as my punishment had to build a fence in my backyard. I ended up having one of the more interesting highs of my life that day. Before I start telling the story, here is some background. I am 14 and very skinny and tall, in the past I have done cannibas, methampetamine, amphetamine, oxycodone, lsd, and pcp, now to the story.

It was hot outside and I was working on the fence. All my family was gone and I went inside to steal some of my dads pot. I looked in his cabinet and his stash was gone, so I went through the medicine cabinet and found a little orange bottle labeled hydrocodone 5-500. I was delighted and took 4 pills. I had heard of people grinding up the pills and snorting them, but I had only snorted meth and that was a bad experience. So I decided just to take them orally. I grounded them up and put them in some water, which I quickly drank for fear of the disgusting taste. I went on a reputable website and read reports of ppl saying it kicked in about 30 minutes after taking them, so I waited and felt nothing.

My mom arrived home and I went in the kitchen to talk to her. I sat down and started eating some vegan stir fry. I started to feel warm tingly sensations and waves of euphoria but attributed it to placebo, thinking the pills didn't work. I ate my meal peacefully and started to enjoy slight visual distortion, I thought the pills were finally kicking in. As I stood up I felt a rush of amazing feelings go through me. I went outside to start working again but felt sick and sat down on a log. I stared of into the woods for what seemed like hours and realized that the universe was just a beautiful painting, and I was lucky to be in it. I went inside and laid on my bed as the effects wore off. I woke up the next morning feeling better with a good outlook of life.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80273
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2017Views: 1,910
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Hydrocodone (111) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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