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Alot! Opiate Withdrawal Savior!
Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Citation:   mmaglioc. "Alot! Opiate Withdrawal Savior!: An Experience with Gabapentin (Neurontin) (exp80286)". Jul 31, 2009.

  repeated oral Pharms - Gabapentin
  1200 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin
To start I was prescribed neurontin for nerve damage following a crushed thumb, I have little feeling in it. To try and remedy the situation I had been doing so many illegally purchased pain meds that I had become addicted to oxy contin. Just when I was at the end of my rope, along came neurontin! A miracle I call it. I is nothing short of a savior. I mean I was doing over 300mg of oc's a day. I have a huge tolerance for opiates and in my search of things that soften my withdrawals I found that neurontin made it ridiculously easy to deal with my withdrawals... granted I did have to take alot of neurontin throughout the day. I was taking between 1200 and 1600mg 3 to 4 times during the day sometimes more depending on how I felt, which was generally good. I was able to relax... my mind was clear and not a mess like it is when I usually withdrawal. I know I dont have to tell anyone who has gone through it how terrible it is but believe me I tried neurontin in high doses with some pepsi or coke and sat back and relaxed and let the waves of relaxation take over. It’s sooo easy. It worked so well that I’m on day 7 now and haven’t felt one withdrawal symptom at all. It saved me life and nothing short of that.

As a side note my experience with neurontin is like this: I take 1200mg in one shot and wash it down with a glass of regular soda (helps absorbtion)... and I dont get discouraged if I dont feel better in 15 minutes… the first time I tried it it took almost and hour and half to start.

Heres what happens when it does start:
1. I get chills down my back which feel amazing during withdrawals
2. I start to get almost giddy and instantly am in a great mood (wanted to talk peoples ears off) which is a good thing in withdrawal because normally I dont want to see or talk to anyone unless they are gonna give me pills.
3. I get the munchies... which is so amazing during withdrawals because it gives me energy I wouldnt get without.
4. I get energy that I didnt know I had, and the withdrawals are gone.
5. I sit back and relax and feel the waves of euphoria take over and I can do anything I want and feel great while doing it.
6.I am able to make it through my day peacefully and OPIATE FREE, which stay on track is the most important message in this... I cannot be an rx junkie my whole life. I have to take the out when I can and never look back, and just be glad I got through it so easy. (which it is on neurontin)
7. I’mable to get a full nights rest everyday I have over 2000mg of neurontin in my system... (if I only have a minimal amount I would take it closer to bed time and only take like 600mg during the day to feel better and big doses at night to sleep, sleep = very important)
8. Repeat for 4 to 5 days if possible.
9. stay off the opiates... it tears families and friends apart and causes nothing but problems...

[Reported Dose: 5000mg+ a day]

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80286
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 31, 2009Views: 80,195
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Glowing Experiences (4)

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