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It's All in My @#$%ing Head?!
Coffee (decaf)
Citation:   Psychedelic Magnate. "It's All in My @#$%ing Head?!: An Experience with Coffee (decaf) (exp80287)". Erowid.org. Mar 5, 2010. erowid.org/exp/80287

2 cups oral Coffee (liquid)
I'm a daily coffee user, and have been for years. I roll out of bed, barely conscious, stumble downstairs, and guzzle a cup. Within an instant I turn from night-of-the-living-dead-extra to nine-year-old-on-120mg-of-Adderall. WITHOUT FAIL. I only need a cup or two (small dose considering my size) and it keeps me wide awake all day long. WITHOUT FAIL.

Like a normal human being, I assumed that it was the caffeine in the coffee which kicked my mind into overdrive and kept me so chipper for a day's work. How very wrong I was.

Last weekend, I went to a family reunion, where we woke up markedly earlier than I normally do on both mornings. As usual, I was barely able to open my eyes or walk before I had a cup of coffee. After that, I was wide awake and ready to go waterskiing in a frigid lake at 8:30 (when I usually wake up). Great coffee, huh? Well, I found out when we were leaving that that wasn't no coffee. It was straight up decaf. Decaf. As in de-caffeinated. No caffeine. None. WHAT THE HELL?! Before now I was only a mild believer in the placebo effect or psychological highs, but after an experience like that, I've had an about-face.

If only eating 1cm x 1cm squares of manila paper under the right circumstances could get me high on acid...

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80287
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2010Views: 23,524
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Coffee (173) : General (1), Alone (16)

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