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Barely More Than Placebo
Citation:   Mikey C. "Barely More Than Placebo: An Experience with Coleus (exp80359)". Aug 1, 2009.

2 joints/cigs smoked Coleus (dried)
I had read that coleus had mind altering effects. What I gathered was that it was almost like a mild cross between psilocybin and salvia. I have tried the quid method with 8 to 10 leaves on a few occasions, experiencing nothing more than a terrible taste. One report claims that the flowers are much stronger than the leaves. So I collected the flowering tops off of my coleus plants and set them aside for a few days to dry.

About an hour ago I rolled 2 cigarettes and smoked. After a few minutes I noticed a very slight relaxation and shortening of attention span. It is now about an hour later and I still feel somewhat relaxed. It feels NOTHING at all like a hallucinogen and I am very dissapointed. Perhaps I need to smoke a lot more in an extract. Coleus may be good as a mild sleep aid but definately not a psychedelic. I will put it's effects into the same category as passion flower and leonotis titled: 'Barely more than placebo.'

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80359
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2009Views: 12,109
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Coleus (168) : General (1), Alone (16)

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