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Creation of Life
DXM & Pseudoephedrine
Citation:   The.Dragon.Bodhi. "Creation of Life: An Experience with DXM & Pseudoephedrine (exp8040)". Oct 12, 2020.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 120 mg oral Pseudoephedrine (liquid)
  T+ 0:06 60 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:06 120 mg oral Pseudoephedrine (liquid)
  T+ 0:59 127 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:59 354 mg oral Pseudoephedrine (liquid)
  T+ 1:21 461 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 1:21 822 mg oral Pseudoephedrine (liquid)
  T+ 1:21 2 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
DXM is by far one of my favorite drugs. Being an incredibly powerful psychedelic dissociate with less of the negative side effects of PCP and more of the positive ones. I could probably write for days about all of my experiences on it, but I choose one of my most recent (about a week/two trips ago). Below is my trip log (I usually attempt to keep when using DXM). The text in [ .. ] I have included because this particular trip log I didn't keep very well.

12:52 am - 60mg [DXM]/120 mg [Pseudoephedrine]
Initial dose. Damn full moon [the full moon's got an intense vibe.]

12:58a - 60/120
[dose, no comments]

1:02a - 60/120
[dose, no comments]

1:23a - [no dose]
Everything's vibrating with life. Colors are so vivid. I love the 1st plateau :). As soon as my stomach settles I'm gonna drink the second bottle as quickly as possible

1:36a - [no dose]
Eating saltines. Still in first plateau. I'm gonna get the walkman and go for a walk. I'm sweating profusely. I've never noticed that effect [of course I have, but in my state of mind, I forgot about it]. Damn. Walkman's out of batteries.

1:48a - [no dose]
Just got back form my walk. Damn I hate p. Euphedrine. My thoughts are just racing. I'm nearing the 2nd plateau threshold. About the cross it. I've gotta drink the rest now.

1:51a - [aprox. 127/354]
I just drank half the bottle. I'm gonna sip the rest while watching TV.

1:54a - [no dose]
2nd plateau definitely just hit! Looking for 'Flasher' replacement now ['Flasher' is a DOS program that flashes solid colors on the monitor at specific frequencies. I was gonna use it to stimulate the theta brain wave frequency. It doesn't run on my computer because my computer runs too fast. It gives me a runtime 200 error (divide by 0 I believe) so I was trying to find a clone or something]. SO FUCKING MANIC, but quiet :) [at this point I consciously recognized that 3 hours ago I was a big ball of blabbering manic energy. Now I wasn't saying a single thing]

2:07a - [no dose]
2nd Plateau. I'm watching Vandread [a sick anime]. It's interesting how I haven't heard a single 'p' sound yet in the Japanese language. I'd like to do a study of language travel based on the sounds used, the words as linguistics approach it.

2:13a - all to 708/1416 [I drank the rest of the second bottle]
Just visited by the cat 'dog' [a neighbors cat... Good friend]. Didn't want to stick around. He's very scattered and indecisive right now. Drank the rest of the cough syrup. So many thoughts, not enough time to even consider writing them. Gonna smoke now for a total of 2 [at that moment, the thought of controlling my cigarette intake occurred].

[This is when my hand writing starting becoming more 'fluid' looking and the trip started taking an interesting, productive turn] Just went out and had a smoke. The people in #2 or #3 were setting off fireworks. It was interesting because in the very act of observing, I felt like I was a complete participant. I love J , but I wish he were a free agent. A mench. Random thought. I see the world changing now ... :)

Just sent J with his drunk self upstairs. Everything is happening now. I've got the entire downstairs for my dxm playground. No drug log vibe laying on the couch. Hallucinogen - Space Pussy is the greatest song ever wrote. I need it on vinyl. Seriously!

There's a ball of drunk J energy on the couch. I'm gonna fix it. :) Fixed. That wasn't so hard. Usually I pull, not push, but I pushed, not pulled. Much more difficult. I mean pacifism. I may not be able to write much more. This is a very powerful drug. [I wish I could included the the little sketch I did here]

Ok, this is where the adventure ship leaves port ;) because I was enjoying sketching, I decided to draw. I got out J's sketch pad and a sharpie and instantly thought, I should create a 'voyage companion' for my journey. I wrote in the top left corner 'T's voyage companion' and started the drawing with a simple line. Within a minute or two, I forgot what I was drawing and continued the piece as a completely abstract work. Throughout the trip, until the peek (it hasn't happened yet), I carefully worked on this. I would just lay down a line or a couple of dots when and where it felt appropriate, without forcing anything. Whenever I forced a line, it felt like a mistake.

I don't know how long ago... Fuck forgot something having to do with what?? Everything. 3rd plateau. Wish for someone to share with. [as my drawing developed, so did my trip. My trip was completely guided by the ink on paper]

[beginning of peek] Good lord. I've only been at this for like an hour. I can melt it. I am it. Wow. Fuck Damn. SHIT. And all the word out there that everyone needs that means [this seriously sucks. Here I made language barrier break, but because language is limited, I couldn't write it down. I basically found a single word or emotion that defines all swear words when in context of amazement]

[Around this time I started seeing a entity within my abstract art. From here until the end of the log, I gently and slowly started making it more obvious with ink]

I'm without. Oh my god. Its only 4am [there was so much random stuff going on right here that couldn't even keep it strait in my head, let alone write it down]

Holy shit. It's only 4:18 still... MAD BALLS

Ok, this is the end of my log... But the best part of the story is just starting... This is peek. My 'travel companion' was finally finished, and I looked down at it with pride. I jokingly said to it, 'Ok, I created you as my travel companion... Now come alive and travel with me
I created you as my travel companion... Now come alive and travel with me
'. I was laughing at my self and looking around the living room when I realized that there were no conflicting consciousnesses around to conflict with any reality I wished to pursue. Sure, maybe there was an insect or two, but they couldn't possibly conflict with my consciousness well. As soon as I realized this, I became VERY SERIOUS. I mean, every fiber of my being reverberating with the truth that this was fact. I said it again, but this time, with my new found understanding. As I repeated sentences like 'No, I'm serious. You're here with me,' the black ink on the white paper begun to turn into this gold, silver spotted liquid that began to flow like tiny rivers and lakes on the paper. I was holding my breath in complete disbelief and amazement. The gold 'ink' slowly lifted off the paper from the top down in the most amazing 3d and vivid hallucination I've ever seen with eyes open on DXM. There where shadows cast against the white paper and everything. Just before it completely peeled itself off the paper, I blinked my eyes and it was a normal black on white, 2d picture again. The only difference was that there was an incredible force of life energy sitting right next to me. Blueish/green if that means anything to anybody. This was my traveling companion that I drew. A very calm and majestic entity. I was overjoyed and speechless. It stayed with my throughout the peek and then said goodbye when the meaningful part of the trip (mostly all peek) ended and the coming down stage took effect.

The rest of the adventure was personally meaningful, but nothing as cool as that.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8040
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2020Views: 3,106
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DXM (22), Pseudoephedrine (215) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Combinations (3), General (1)

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