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A Natural Type of High
Deep Breathing
Citation:   Andrew Teetawl. "A Natural Type of High: An Experience with Deep Breathing (exp80454)". May 7, 2019.

5 minutes in: My head seems to clear of negative thoughts, and my body seems to have a more calm, almost numb feeling.

10 minutes in: I seem to get an almost dopey smile on my face, as if every type of communication I have with anybody is enhanced. They can feel my calmness and happiness, and I can feel their's as well.

15 minutes in: The mild euphoria continues, but I start to realize that it's actually difficult to resume breathing as per usual. It starts to become a habit. For some reason, my extremities start to tingle
my extremities start to tingle
, and I can't help but feel that everything, no matter what it is, will be okay.

20 minutes in: The euphoria seems to be subsiding, and giving in to a sort of delirious feeling. Being at my workplace, customers ask me questions, but I have a difficult time organizing my thoughts to give them a straight answer. It feels as if I'm too happy to care about what they want, and I almost wave them away in an ignorant fashion.

25 minutes in: The delirium is setting in a little bit more, and I find that my motor capabilties are somewhat impaired. I feel tired from walking across a hallway, and I get an almost blunt pain in chest.

30 minutes in: I finally stop, but notice that although I've stopped breathing deeply, it feels like my body is still starving for oxygen. It's difficult to slide into a normal breathing pattern again. There was a noticeable afterglow to the experience as well. I generally felt a little more happy than usual, but seemed to get tired easier than usual. In small doses, it seems to have a sort of stimulating effect, but after doing it for more than 10-15 minutes, it almost relaxes and sedates me.

Overall, an interesting experience.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80454
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 1,152
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Breathing (470) : First Times (2), Workplace (51)

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