Catching a Glimpse of Another Reality
Citation:   Cerebral Flux. "Catching a Glimpse of Another Reality: An Experience with DMT (exp80529)". Jun 5, 2018.

60 mg vaporized DMT
This was my first first breakthrough experience and the second time I smoked dmt in my life. The bulb I´m reffering to in the report is a common hand made vaporizer.

T+00:00 - I begin heating up the DMT inside the bulb. The Moment it begins to melt I start to breath in while continuing to heat it up. I manage to breath in about 70 percent of my dose with the first toke. Immidiately the world begins to vibrate, which causes everything to look blurry (even though I wouldn´t identify this blurrieness as the typical pixelation that everyone is talking about, I just don´t seem to get this effect of psychs). Also I feel, I´ve been pulled away. Since I smoked DMT before and stopped by this point the last time which caused me to get only minor effects I start heating up the rest of my dose and smoke it.

T+00:15 - Patterns emerge everywhere I look to. When I look at my arms the hairs are painting lines over lines, they cross and build up massive amounts of beautiful fractal-like patterns. The patterns are morphing into other fractals at a speed which I cannot even begin to describe.

I look at my legs and the same happens, except the visuals are somewhat more intense, more vivid and of course are moving even faster, I never thought any compound could cause something like that. I can see rotating cubes surounded by the most intense colors one can think of and suddenly I feel a wave is coming. All the time this is happening I can hear a strange buzzing sound.

T+00:25 - Suddenly the visions change and I am hearing some kind of conversation only that the members of this conversation are talking in a language I have never heard before. I look up and nearly start to freak out. What I see looks nothing like the place I was before. I am sitting at the edge of a goddamn alien rainforest, surounded by lots and lots of entities. Also I hear strange chatterng noises and some noises I can´t describe.

I had read lots of DMT-reports lately and theys often mentioned that one would enter an other world and have contact with 'machine elves', though I never believed I would see them until this point. Some of my friends are sitting approximately 10ft away from me, by now everyone of them is made of 3 lines of pure energy and the distance to them I not measurable, for me it seems REALLY far. I look at my hands and they look like made of carrots, I close my eyes thinking 'oh fuck dude, now you´ve really gone too far! Farewell sanity' but the only thing I see when closing my eyes is exactly the same alien world. I open my eyes again and my hands now are an array of colourful bricks. At this point I manage to look left and one of the elves is standing right beside me. I have a feeling he´s important to me and start calming down. The elves grin at me, I take a last look at the rotating, glowing, geometrical flora of this world and 'wooosh' I'm back to my familiar world.

T+06:00 - I manage to stand up and walk to my friends, I´m sill having strong visuals (enormous tracers filled with fractals and so on) but by now I´m 'only' at a STRONG (+++). I´m babbling something about never wanting DMT again and being so glad to be 'home' again. I´m taking a walk alone enjoying the altered perception and by now I remember a few glimpses of what I just saw which causes a slight euphoria.

T+15:00 - Back to baseline babbling about my journey, giggling and nearly crying of pleasureness.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 793
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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