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Welcome to the Jungle!
LSD, Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   Andrex. "Welcome to the Jungle!: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis & Tobacco (exp8053)". Apr 27, 2004.

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:59 0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30     Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:59   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
This is without a doubt the most amazing and memorable experience of my life! I am a 21 year old American, but I was studying in Melbourne, Australia, for a semster the year before. Melbourne is a very cool city, and one of her best features are the incredible botanical gardens right in the heart of downtown. This provides the setting for my story…

My friend Nero and I had obtained several doses of LSD from one of our Aussie friends. According to our friend, these Bart Simpson tabs contained 900 mikes (micrograms). For any other substance, that is a miniscule amount, but considering that an average dose today contains only 60 mikes, this was bound to take us to the brink of insanity. We had these little friends stored in our freezer for about a week, waiting for our final exams to be over to celebrate. Evad, another friend we had met, was finishing his exams that morning too. We had nothing to worry about and nobody to answer to! Nero and I had both tripped before, but the most I had ever experienced was a slight body high. I was ready for the real deal. Evad had never tried LSD, and was a little unsure if he wanted to (as most acid virgins are) but he wanted to come along and take it as it came.
To start off, Nero and I each took a half tab, just to play it safe- 900 mikes is nothing to fuck with! We were going to meet Evad at his apartment a little later. We all prepared our trip bags: water, food, cigarettes, pot, toys, CD players, etc., and began the first leg of our journey.

Melbourne has another salient feature: public trams that run up and down the main streets carrying passengers. It was around 2 pm when we headed out of our building and hopped on the tram for the five minute ride downtown. We met Evad outside his place and we all hopped on the tram again to make our way to the Gardens. Once we were there, Evad asked to try some. He decided to take a quarter hit; looking at the miniscule piece of paper it seemed unfathomable that there could be any effect at all. Knowing that the effects could take up to two hours to kick in, we found a nice big park outside the entrance to the Gardens and hackysacked for a while. We’re all big fans of the hack and it’s always a good mind/body activity regardless. We had some herb, but we wanted to check out the effects of the acid solo before doubling up.

After about an hour, we still hadnt felt much so we decided to walk into the actual Botanical Gardens. Right when we got to the gate, I realized that if I was gonna do it I was gonna do it right so I opened our little container and popped the other half of my hit into my mouth. Nero did the same, and Evad took another quarter. We all smiled and knew we were in for an adventure!

The Botanical Gardens cover a huge territory right in the heart of the city: you would never know there was a whole metropolis going on with daily life just a few thousand feet of you on every side. The climate there is tropical/temperate, so all kinds of plants are grown there: huge palm trees, tropical flowers, fruit trees, absolutely stunning! We walked around the paths for a while, just enjoying the warm sunny November day (summer was just beginning!) and we started to notice that butterfly feeling in the gut when I know it’s starting to kick in. Man, that is the best time cause I know I'm in for the ride of my life any minute now! About a half hour later we wander into an interior garden called, coincidentally, The Herb Garden. We are all a little fucked by this point, but we know that pot will really bring on the effex. Since no one is around, we sit down right there and spark a bowl.

Woooow! Haha, this is where the shit goes down! Just as soon as we’re done, I was off my tree! Just looking at Nero’s face told me he was at about the same level. Evad was tripping too but not as severely. The ground was a red brick pattern, and it totally played with my vision. The straight cracks started to wriggle around on the ground like a family of snakes, and I was unable to take my eyes off it! Just knowing that any drug is able to do these things to my mind makes me wonder how much of our consciousness is determined by chemical reactions. Evad got up to walk a little bit and I followed, just needing to not sit down anymore. But about a minute later I had to sit down cause I couldn’t stand up anymore! Acid is weird like that. We were sitting there talking about how we were feeling and what to do now - I wanted to listen to some music cause I had always heard acid really brings up the audio experience. We each looked through the ten or so CD’s we had each brought from our own collections. The only CD that we all had was Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon!

One of us got the idea that we should all put on our headphones, and that if we pressed “play” at the same time, we could all have our separate trips but still be totally connected! Thus was born the Tri-E-O. Most likely the best idea of the century. As the first track got underway, the footsteps racing across my mind made me feel like I was in some kind of an insane asylum. We were all watching each other, and someone would mouth the laughter at the same time as on the CD, but they were 100 feet away, and it was a totally strange and hilarious experience. As the booming transition into Breathe coursed through my soul I felt my feet lift off the ground and shoot me straight into heaven on the wings of angels! The music was in control of my trip and it made it so much better because now I could let my conscious mind drift into the background. I was staring in Awe at the rippling clouds reflecting the golden sunlight, and just then a duck flew across the sky, leaving miles of waving trails behind it. In an instant the sky had been turned from air to an endless living lake, all with the background music of my favorite album of all time.

I knew that everything would be all right forever! Now I see why they say it was made to be listened to on acid - it was like I was hearing it for the first time! We wandered out of the herb garden and just wandered aimlessly, each in our own fantasy land. Someone would stop and dabble with what ever interested them - a leaf blowing in the wind, some ducks swimming in the pond… We ended up on a gently sloping grass lawn looking directly at the Sun. As Brain Damage (how fitting!) subsided into Eclipse, we were starting to come off that initial SuperTrip, but were still miles away from normality. We weren’t sure what to do now that PF had let us slip from its grasp. I wanted to hack, but Nero and Evad weren’t sure they were up to it. But we gave it a shot. It ended up being an almost transcendental experience. Normally, we’re all OK, each having a few of our own tricks but nothing phenomenal. But today was truly amazing! It wasn’t that we were doing fancy tricks, but the hack just stayed up for ever! When the hack was just a few inches off the ground someone would make an amazing save that never would have happened under “normal” circumstances.

This went on for about an hour, after we had philosophized that the hack was a metaphor for life, that one person could drift away from the circle (normal life) with no repurcussions as long as the hack stayed off the ground with the help of your friends. Still not sure if this holds water, but Im testing it all the time J.

It was now getting to be sunset, so we continued our journey through the jungle. We came to a huge grove of trees, and were staring at the leaves that seemes to be moving and crawling and screaming among the branches. This time it wasn’t just the acid - there were huge fruit bats everywhere! We just gazed at them for what seemed ages - some would be fighting with each other, hanging up side down and extending their huge leathery arms to grab at other bats dangling nearby. As the sun began to fade and darkness overtook the park, the bats began flying around more and more until there were these enormous bats flying everywhere over our heads! We had a cigarette and enjoyed the final remnants of our trip. The visuals were gone but we still had worms crawling through our heads. We walked to a pagoda and lit some incense, and sat there for a while just discussing whatever came into our heads.

I (almost regrettably) brought up the philosophical idea that we each see our own colors that make sense to us and align with everyone else’s color spectrum, but are not necessarily the same color. We talked this into the ground until I feared my sanity would never return!! Our minds and bodies were spent, and we headed back into the (scary) world. It was now way past dark, and when we got to the gate where we had entered, the gate was locked. The funny thing is that it wasn’t just a normal fenc e- the gate was an arch with 6 inch iron spikes along the inside top, and the gate had the same spikes along the top. We were gonna have to climb through a tiny opening surrounded by deadly spikes, on acid!! Evad wasn’t much for this idea, being afraid of puncturing some huge artery and dying on the opposite side of the world from his home, but I was not about to walk a mile to the other end of the park to find the same thing. So sloooowwwly we each poked through the wormhole with no injuries to report.

Somehow we had gotten very twisted around, and tried to leave the same way we came in, but ended up at the base of this HUGE monument! It was liking being warped from the Amazon to the Egyption desert! It turned out to be their WWII memorial, which we hadn’t even known existed. The intense lighting on the building contrasted with the surrounding darkness, making it soar above our earthbound feet. My favorite part was a huge “eternal flame” shooting out of the ground in front of the memorial. I became absorbed by it, the orange flames licking the air a few feet from my face lured me into a trance. A soothing calm and warmth enveloped my body. So this brings me to the end of the journey - an amazing day that would forever change how I viewed myself and this world. I hope this was worth the read…

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 8053
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 27, 2004Views: 9,312
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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