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Not Much Happened
Psychoactive Amanita spp.
Citation:   jackinthehat. "Not Much Happened: An Experience with Psychoactive Amanita spp. (exp80615)". Feb 12, 2018.

4 g oral Amanitas
Around 10 pm I chopped up the amanitas and downed em. Not much to tell after this point. My stomach kinda bubbled and I felt a little loose like I had a couple beers. There wasnt bad nausea through the entire time. I didnt notice any hallucinations. :( damn it all

I recall one cap looking kinda yellow or orange and one dark red. They said grade A but I read that reds the best. Those bastards.

I dont know how a bunch of people have such a interesting time on these. Next time I will up the dose to maybe 6 or 7g's.
They effect people differently. I also ordered some hbw seeds. I'm using 7 in a cold water an lemon juice extraction to see if anything happens. If its worth noting ill share.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80615
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2018Views: 913
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