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Escaping The Abstract
Lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse) & Caffeine
Citation:   The Shire Awaits. "Escaping The Abstract: An Experience with Lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse) & Caffeine (exp80628)". Jul 30, 2010.

40 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine (capsule)
  260 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)
A Good Friend Of Mine Is 'Diagnosed' With ADHD And Recieves A Presricption Pill, Vyvanse For it. A Slang term He heard In Replacement Of It's Medicinal name Was 'Vanies'. He Recommendid That I Give It A Try After Experiencing The Effects of A Very High Dose Of MDMA (Ecstacy) At An Electronic Music Festival Earlier In The Summer And Absolutly Loving It. He Says, At Points It Has Felt Similar To A Weak to Mild Roll. I Decided It Was Best To Take The Pill Before Band Practice That Day Because I Felt An Unexplainable Appreciation For All Music At Starscape (The Festival) Earlier And Thought While Rolling How Great It Would Be To Actually Play Under The Effects.

I Took One 40 Milligram Capsule Of The Vyvanse With A Nos Energy Drink Around 10:00 am.

We Left My House And Headed Into Town To A Coinstar At Our Local 'Food lion'. As We Stopped About 20 Minutes Later I Noticed I Had A Bit Of A Body Buzz And Felt Very Pleasant. The Sunshine Was A Little Brighter, Everyone Looked A Bit More Content With Life, And As Was I. I Got The Money We Headed To The Neighboring Town About 30 Minutes Away.

The Car Ride Was Fucking Exceptional! We Were On The Interstate Going About 75, Blasting Drum N' Bass And Dub Step. I Felt Like We Were Drifting Through Space Swiftly And Perfectly. Keeping In Mind Though, It Was Not A Phsycadelic Experience, There Was Nothing Suggesting That We Were 'In Space', It Just Seemed As Though If I Were Drifting Through Space, It May Just Feel Quite Like This. Invigorating.

We Arrive At The House Were My Band Plays. I'm Incredibly pleased To See Everyone Again. I Tell Everyone What I Took And They Are Intrested, And I Blast Away With Speech In The Fullest Detail. (One Of The Things Most Similar To Rolling, As Well As This Next Thing.) I Light A Cigarette And It Feels Much Better Then Normal. Like All Air Outside Of The Tobacco Smoke Is Polluted And The Fresh Air Is Right Inside This Flaming Stick.

Food Is The Farthest Thing From My Mind.

We Head Downstairs To Play Music, It's Been Roughly 1 Hour, 45 Minutes Sense I Took The Pill. Everything Is Still Very Nice. Still A Sunny Day.

We Proceed In Playing Music For About 3 Hours. Sight Is More Vivid, Acoustic Sound Is Set At A Perfect Boundary. Cymbals Are Shriller. Bass Is More Powerful. Everything Is In Tune. Everyone Is On Key, Even If They're Not. On The Darkside, I'm Fucking Thirsty. Really Thirsty But I'm So Inthrilled With The Sound Of The Music Unfolded At The Present Time, Their Is No Initiative To Get Water.

Food Is The Farthest Thing From My Mind.

We Take A Break I Drink Two Water Bottles And Smoke 3 Cigarettes (Basically Chain Smoking Which Is Not Normal For Me). The Water Tastes So Fresh. I Didn't Leave My Bass Guitar Downstairs With All Of The Equipment. No, For Some Reason I Just Felt More At Home With It In My Hands So I Carried It Around With Me. I Then Noticed That, That Made No Sense So I Set It Back Down. That Didn't Feel Quite Right So I Picked It Back Up. I May Have Gone On In This Way For A While. Still Sunny, Still Happy, Still Thirsty, Still Loving Tobacco, Still Loving The Sound Of Music.

More Music, About 45 Minutes Pass Sense The Fifteen Minute Break. All Is Well Until One Of Our Guitarists Sense He Has An Interview, He's Got To Leave For A Few Hours. The News Was Terrible For A Moment. I Was Shocked And Very Irritated That He Was Leaving And We Could No Longer Play Music. The Lights Seemed To Fade, Everyone Was not As Happy. I Was Moody, And Thier Was A Small Battle Waging Inside My Head For About 2 Minutes. I Noticed That This Was A Side-Affect Of The Drug So I Said Nothing Of It And Willed Myself Back Into Happiness. Once Again All Is Well.

Food Is Now On My Mind. I'm Not Hungry But I Notice I've Eaten Nothing Besides Dinner The Night Before, Which Was One Taco. Not A Lot. I'm Becoming Pale, Jittery, And My Stomachs Aching A Bit. I Bite Into A Pop Tart and Their Is Pain. I've Had Cotton Mouth All Day, There Fore I Have Been Grinding My Teeth. The Pop Tart Was A Bad Choice, But It Holds Me Over.

Until About 8 30 I Sit In A Car With My Friend, Smoking And Listening To Music And Peacefully Coming Down Off Of The Vyvanse. Our Guitarist Comes Back, Play Music Until Around 10 30. I'm A Little Dorwsy And A Bit More Hungry But It's Not Overwhelming. We Get Home At About 11:30 I Am Very Hungary Now. I Have Cramps In My Stomack From Not Eating Which Is Really The Only Bad Part About The Come Down. But A Simple Cure To That: Triple Decker Turkey Sandwich. I Get In Bed Fall Asleep Within 10 Minutes.

The Whole Day Was Great, The Drug Worked Very Effectively. Most Likely Because Of The Empty Stomach, But Nevertheless It Was A Nice Experience. Next Time I Would Probably Just Eat A Bit Before I Took The Pill So My Body Had Something To Feed Off Of.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80628
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 30, 2010Views: 26,379
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