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Fairy Sleep
Citation:   noxeh. "Fairy Sleep: An Experience with Damiana (exp80642)". Sep 30, 2017.

20 drops oral Damiana (extract)
I had chosen to take damiana to see how its whether its reputation as a aphrodisiac were true. It was a sunday evening after a long, hard weekend and I had the pleasure of sitting by a fire after eating some great japanese food.

(9:00 pm) Half an hour after taking 20 drops of the damiana.
I had begun to feel extremely relaxed. Sitting in an armchair I felt a warm heaviness settle over me. I didnt realise it until I woke up 15 minutes later but I had fallen asleep and was dreaming about reading the book I had in my lap.

Almost immediately after waking, the same warmth and persuasive heaviness kept urging me to lay down and sleep. It wasn't exhaustion that made sleep inviting. I had the distinct feeling of being required to shut my eyes. After a few times of waking up trying to do conscious things awake and feeling overpowered again, I somehow got myself to bed to fall asleep for a longer time.

Dreams were filled with longing, childhood crushes, teetering romantic advances. It was extremely vivid. I am uncertain what the plant did. Maybe the aphrodisiac side of the plant is more of a placebo effect and a consequence of being so very relaxed?

The last peculiar event: when I woke up in the morning I was looking at the sky and a suggestion came into my mind said in a voice/feeling that I'm not familiar with: it is time to wake up from these dreams now and begin the next day. It was a gentle and caring pull awake as the time flashed in my mind.

A few minutes later I looked at my watch and saw that the same time was showing on the face (5:50am).

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80642
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 30, 2017Views: 2,597
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Damiana (107), Dreams (85) : Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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