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Shapes and Colors Molding Into Other Shapes and Colors
Citation:   radz-skeetown. "Shapes and Colors Molding Into Other Shapes and Colors: An Experience with DMT (exp80766)". Feb 19, 2018.

  smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
beautiful experience

Well I had never tried DMT but I often heard it was a great experience the first time I was introduced to it I was at ROTHBURY music festival in Michigan my good friend had aquired a substantial amount of dmt crystals packed onto a bowl of some dank weed and walked around to find a nice inviting place to get high. Although the environment I was surrounded with was packed full of thousands of people everyone was there for the same reason, to have a great time. so we sat next to a few cool random people and asked them if they wanted to get high with us. I sparked to bowl and as I inhaled I felt a wave of euphoria completley wash over me and when I exhaled i began to see all sorts of shapes and color much like an extremely vibrant kaleidoscope and when I closed my eyes I was in awe of all the different shapes and colors molding into other shapes and colors. I felt completley relaxed and wonderful. there was a nitrous balloon station right behind me as well as the never ending stream of people walking by sound began to slow down and become very low pitched just to speed up again and the sound of the balloons getting blown up and the nitrous being expelled made my entire feild of vison become zoomed in at the sound of the inhale and then zoomed out at the exhale of the balloons. what i liked about this almost at times overly intense trip was that the intensity only lasted about 10 minutes and was followed by a very mellow body buzz much like acid after the trip I felt wonderful like my mind had been opened and i returned to my campsite to hang out until the next concert started

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80766
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 19, 2018Views: 926
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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