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I Was an Observer, Then I Lost Control
Salvia divinorum (15x extract)
Citation:   Prado. "I Was an Observer, Then I Lost Control: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (15x extract) (exp80868)". Erowid.org. Nov 30, 2017. erowid.org/exp/80868

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I had tried Sally D three times before I wrote this report. I was able to see and feel the range of experiences with 'the lady'. I used a small water pipe with a brass screen. The first two times I used a sitter. The third time I didn't. Big mistake.

The first two times were pleasant enough. The first time I had visions of undulating roads that turned into a Dragon who appeared very friendly. He shot a fireball at me that was non-threatening. Later in the experience my sitter looked like her head was being sucked into the TV by way of a vortex (like a sideways tornado). I giggled a lot. I also had unusual light headed observations of my sitter. Although when she talked, it seemed like she was far away, but I found that I listen very intently to what she was saying. This insight encouraged me to decide I would listen to what people were actually saying and not just hear the words spoken. I felt a feeling of total bliss as the effect wore off.

The second time was a trip of time and place displacement into the old west and a cow town. (Why I have no idea.) It started out with a road on my right and a praire in front of me. To the left was a ranch of some type. I remember that the road on the right was like courderoy. Then the undulation started as the road heaved and turned into road with ruts in it from wagons and horses. The scene had morphed into where I was standing on the steps of a bunkhouse. Three or four people were behind me wearing western garb and off white cowboy hats. The prairie was still in front of me. I turned to look behind me (in the room) and saw a glow from the corner of the room where I have a bunch of cards hanging on the wall. It was bright. I turned to look at my sitter. She was staring at me with very, very big eyes! Strange I thought. Why stare at me? The I started to laugh and so did my sitter. I felt very vulnerable and not in control of myself. This was a very strange feeling.

In both these experiences, I was seemingly aware that I was under the influence of Salvia and strangely, I was an observer to the events that occurred.

However, my most recent experience was very, very, scary. For several days before using the Salvia I had been depressed with personal problems. Also, I had not eaten prior to use. Further, I was alone with no sitter. Around 2:40 PM, I prepared a water pipe with a small amount of Salvia Extract 15X. I was in my den and dressed casually in T shirt and Athletic shorts. Due to my surgeries I don’t wear any confining underwear. Nothing around my waist that is confining. Actually I don’t wear any underwear.

After lighting the first hit and holding it, I noticed that a large piece of burning ash had fell out of the pipe and slowly drifted to the floor. I mentally noted that I needed to put the pipe down and stomp on the ash to put it out. I was immediately engulfed in a reality that I perceived to be real. About three feet to the left and to the right of me, the floor “sprouted” upside down curls about 6 inches high. The floor heaved slightly. I was feeling very uncomfortable with the curls and felt they were gravitating slowly towards me. I immediately got up to leave the den and stumbled into the hallway. I recall I was having trouble maintaining my balance. I noticed my T shirt was gone!
I recall I was having trouble maintaining my balance. I noticed my T shirt was gone!
(Later I found that the skin is very sensitive under Salvia.) The curls were now around three sides of me blocking my exit down the stairs to outside. I felt trapped, very unhappy, scared and I knew I had lost control of my surroundings. I stopped to check the thermostat on the wall and was confused as to why I could not read it. Stupid thermostat! The floor continued to heave about 6 inches now. I felt I was in dire trouble and went back into the den to get the cell phone and call my sitter.

As I picked up the phone it started to dissolve around the edges. Now in panic, I dialed the wrong number, cancelled it and re-called my sitter. She answered and I tried to explain I was in trouble but didn’t know why. I then, unexplicitly, hung up on her. I knew I was falling backwards up against the TV and VCR. I then staggered forwards and redialed again. She told me she knew what I had done! This was my first inclination that this was all due to the Salvia and not real. I then started to babble about I would never do this again, I hated it and didn’t understand what she was saying. Silly Girl!, I thought, How could she understand it. I hung up again and sat down on the couch. I noticed I had lost my athletic shorts someplace. Strange. I started to come down off the Salvia and felt very agitated, nervous and apprehensive. I looked at my watch and somehow deduced that the whole elapsed time frame was 25 minutes. This seemed to be very long time to me. I called my sitter again and let her know I was lucid and OK. We talked a few minutes and she told me I made a few fundamental mistakes. Foremost was not using a sitter.

The glow continued for about another 10 minutes and then I was comfortable again. I wrote these events down so as to not forget what happened. I checked the house and found the thermostat door open. I noticed the TV and VCR had been knocked about 6 inches off center. I also noticed the incense sticks we all over the floor. The one I had burning was out of the way so it was safe. I immediately checked my pipe to make sure I had not broken it. I checked the floor to see if the ash had burned the rug. I couldn’t find any evidence that the ash was real. Luckily, I had not gotten to the stairs as I do not have good balance under the best of conditions. Oh yes, I also had a bruise on my left thigh where I ran into something. After calming down some more, I decided I would try it again under better circumstances.

The rapidity that the onset of the effects of the Salvia hit me still surprises me. The transition to a different reality, which I perceived to be the true reality, was amazing. Again, this time I was not an observer, I was in the action.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80868
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 66
Published: Nov 30, 2017Views: 835
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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