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Little Red Dots
Morning Glory
Citation:   Cunnaz. "Little Red Dots: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp80873)". May 20, 2020.

T+ 0:00
400 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 8:30 8 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 8:30 Some bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I have used several substances over the past 10 years besides the booze including LSD, Shrooms, Cocaine, Crack, XTC, Kava, Cactus Fet, Skunk, Salvia and seeds. My experiences with the seeds began maybe a year ago, and it has been something for me to look forward to every now and again having battered coke and pills for many years. I have used Rivea Corymbosa and HBWoodroose seeds before now but I found the experiences quite mild in comparison to my first Morning Glory experience (maybe it was just the dose
maybe it was just the dose
, knowing that the other seeds have higher quantities of LSA than MG seeds).

Dont have a coffee grinder and can't seem to find any so decided to blend 600 seeds in blender with 300ml water. I then drank the rotten danky mixture straight at midday (didn't want to use additives like fruit juice/chocomilk to mask the taste as cant be sure if they interfere with LSA). I must add at this point that I fasted for 18 hours before begining the experience, and just an hour before injesting I drank a small amount (1 can) of coka cola to clean my insides helping the seeds to be absorbed.

12:10 I am drinking the rotten mixture worrying because I forgot to rinse the seeds or soak them overnight to get rid of the chemicals they spray on them.

12:20 I am still drinking this rotten stuff!

12:30 Cant drink all of this stuff so I put the rest with a bit more water in a bottle to go in the fridge for another day reckon I had about 400 of them.

12:45 I am feeling light headed so go for a lie down, I am feeling fuzzy and think it must be from the seeds, even at this point I think they're quite good.

13:40 Must have nodded off was lightly dreaming, feel very jumpy and am rolling round on the bed. I dont want to admit it but am feeling poorly and very light headed, get up and decide to put the washing on the rack- am swaying a little and it feels a little like the initial chills you get when coming up on XTC.

13:50 was sick repeatedly, have never been sick on drugs before! (only on nasty legals like booze and fags)

14:00 Feel much better and now the trip hits me like a wave and is suddenly like coming up on LSD.

14:30 The trip is in full effect and the seeds are exellent, the initial paranoia is there, rapid mood shifts, hot and cold flushes, trees look fantastic as they change shape in the wind.

15:00 The paranoia has slightly worn off, replaced by a very giddy perspective of things in general, am fine with eating and find it as much a pleasure as used to when getting stoned for the first time years ago. Faces on the news channel look distorted, as if the people have dots/lines across their faces.

16:00 The effects are very different after I was sick from what they were before as I get to the reflective stage in the trip. I wonder wheather the initial sickness was because of the chemical they add.

17:00 The trip is still quite intense but more 'bearable' than earlier. I have a notion of a faint ringing (intercom in the flats) but it is a false perception. I have a lift up to my Aunt's for dinner and I eat well again and handle the occasion well enough as no one notices any difference in my appearance. I just find it hard to think of things to say, where as earlier my mind was racing.

19:00 I have arrived home in one piece. I have never seen anything when on any psychedelics before (even the super potent 60X Salivia enhanced with pure salvinorin crystals does not generate visions with me), but tonight I see the strangest little red dots when looking through the window. Then the dots slowly appear everywhere, on the wall, the TV, like little floating dots moving randomly but in direction, but very slowly
the dots slowly appear everywhere, on the wall, the TV, like little floating dots moving randomly but in direction, but very slowly

21:00 I still feel slightly tripped and want a good nights sleep so decide to smoke some bowls of skunk and drink beer.

23:00 Just polished off the 8th can (not bad in 2 hours and deffinetly the LSA has given me increased capacity to drink and very fast with no drunken feeling whatsoever. Smoked 7g of skunk but am hardly stoned, and will call it a nite at that.

Overall I am impressed with the seeds and can easily see why priests of old, and shamans have used this material. Yet I am very worried about the chemical/s that is supposedly sprayed on them and what the consequences may be, but then again is that not the case with any substance abuse.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80873
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: May 20, 2020Views: 492
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