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The Closest I Had Ever Felt to Someone Else
Citation:   Brigette. "The Closest I Had Ever Felt to Someone Else: An Experience with MDMA (exp80948)". May 17, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 1:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis
This is the story of my first MDMA experience. I have now done it 3 or 4 times and loved it every time!

My boyfriend came across some E. After thinking about whether to do it or to give it away, we decided we'd have a pill each one Friday night while the house was empty. At the time he was still living in his parents' basement. They were gone for the weekend.

Around 8 PM we took one pill each. They were round, hard pressed little red pills with squared edges and a dancing guy pressed on them. About 20 minutes in, things started to change. Subtle differences in light were the first noticeable signs. 10 minutes after that we both started to get crazy body waves rolling over us. They gradually got more intense, and I felt a bit queasy to the point where I actually ran to the washroom. I thought I had to throw up, but it passed. Our coordination was a bit off. What followed was the most intense, beautiful, sad, happy, amazing experience EVER!

The physical feeling is indescribable. The most intense pleasure and ease surrounded us. We were just sitting on the couch watching a move I think, but we got really distracted and preoccupied with touching one another and looking into each others eyes. We just sat on the couch for the next hour or so attached to one another, holding on. Touching arms, hair, anything.....holding on. Every body part; fingers, arms, shoulders were in a state of pure bliss. We had a mad case of the touchies, you could say! The urge to get it on was absolutely there, but we decided to hold back. Not only was it fun to just sit there, but we were both tripping out thinking about life and how lucky we were just to be us, where we were in life and in the world, and to be together. We basically discussed everything that had been bothering us in life and our relationship without hesitation.
We basically discussed everything that had been bothering us in life and our relationship without hesitation.
School, family, other little issues. It was amazing because we were able to iron out every detail about our relationship, life, the present, and the future in about an hour. We went through every emotion from intense sadness, guilt, happiness, to exhilaration. Somewhere in this time, we smoked a good sized joint. This really made things great. From then on it was more pure pleasure, happiness, and joy. I really think that this changed our perspectives on life and each other. We had never connected or listened to one another in that way. This was, without question, the closest I had ever felt to someone else.

We were pretty high from one pill each, and we split our third and last pill about an hour in from the first pill which kept us going strong until about 1 or 2 AM. A bit later, we smoked another joint which put my boyfriend to sleep without a problem. I was still really energetic, and it took me a long time to settle down. No sleep for me until about 3 AM, which was okay.

The next day we got up around 1 PM, feeling a little light-headed or like we had just arrived home from another time zone. I felt really bad, just tired and a bit off that day, until the evening. I almost passed out just standing. I think I was probably dehydrated, although we made sure to drink a good amount of water the night before. After some OJ and food I was pretty much back to normal.

All things considered, it was an AMAZING experience that I will never forget. I am glad I did it at home the first time, but I think it would be fun anywhere. This really impacted me. I had heard stories, and it is really something I just had to try in order to understand. Every time after that has been similar. We only ever do it together, about twice a year, and it gives us a chance to reconnect.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80948
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 17, 2022Views: 619
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Relationships (44), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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