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Infinite Branching Arms
Citation:   mindtravel. "Infinite Branching Arms: An Experience with DMT (exp81052)". Erowid.org. Sep 16, 2020. erowid.org/exp/81052

1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  2 hits smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Hello. My name is Kevin. Let me just say that the only other drug that I had ever tried before DMT was marijuana. I had never gone on a 'trip' before, but have been interested in psychedelics since I was young. Here is the setting of my story. Me and my friend T, were in my basement. He was going to try it first, and when he came to, I was going to try it so we could each watch out for eachother.

We get down to my basement. Its about 1 in the morning. We had just picked up some weed and some dmt. This weed was the most potent I had ever seen. It was glistening with trichomes. We smoked two joints together and just chilled. Around 3 we finally got conscious enough to remember what we went down there for. I filled up the bong with nice cold water,since I heard dmt somke is very harsh. I hand T the lighter, and he takes the biggest hit possible. As he exhales I tell him to quick take another hit. As he takes in the smoke from the second hit, he starts to shake a little bit. Then he exhales. I then grab the lighter and bong away from him. About 10 minutes later, he starts talking to me. He told me he saw all of these weird beings, and that each being represented a person he knew. He could see what the people in his life were really like. It sounded amazing to me. He said it was the most magical thing he had ever experienced. So then all my anxiety went away, and I reloaded the bong.

What happens next is obviously hard to explain, but I will try my best. T hands me the bong and lighter. I take my first hit. It was a big one. I just remember coughing my brains out, but forced myself to take another hit. After that, everything went dark for a moment. It felt like my heart had stopped beating. But I could not focus on that problem. My brain had totally stopped working. It was literally impossible to make a thought. All I could do was observe what was happening. I started to feel very small and insignificant. I then saw this man. If you could call it a man. It reminded me of Kali, or Shiva. One of the hindu gods with many arms. It asked me why I was here. Like he wasn't expecting me this early or something. It sounded like a different language, but I could understand it perfectly. I felt the urge to get away from this floating entity, but he prevented me. When I tried to run around him/it, his arms would branch off like a spider web and surround me. Like a wall of infinite arms. I didn't feel scared. It was a very gentle being. Almost soothing. Like I was a small child about to run off a cliff, and his arms were preventing me from going over the edge.

This being then tells me something which I cannot remember. As he starts to disappear, it seems as though he is waving good bye to me. I am then bombarded with waves of color, then everything went black again.

I started to feel my eyes open. As if I were opening them for the first time in my life. Everything around me slowly slips back into reality. I stare at T in absolute amazement. He looks at me and we both start laughing softly together. We both agreed that this was the best experience of our lives. We then turn on the TV, smoke the rest of the weed, and drift off into sleep. When we woke up around noon, everything seemed magical. I had a new outlook on life. I have never really believed in god, but never ruled out the possibility of an afterlife. Now I am a firm believer in the afterlife. I believe that when I die, I will see the same entity from my trip. And I am no longer afraid of death.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81052
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 16, 2020Views: 681
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Second Hand Report (42), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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