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A Re-entry Into Psychedelia
Citation:   Dulcinea. "A Re-entry Into Psychedelia: An Experience with 2C-E (exp81208)". Feb 3, 2010.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:30 10 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
This was the first time in about a year or so that I had meddled with 2c-e. The first time I had received 500mg did all of it in one night with 3 friends. That time I had insufflated a large amount and the visuals were definitely the most notable thing about the drug. This time around was totally different. The whole trip report was written on a few pieces of note paper that I carried in my pocket during the trip. Most of this report will my translation of these papers. Parentheticals are commentary.

The day of this experience I had received 500mg 2c-e. I was ecstatic, because I hadn't done 2c-e in a very long time. It was about 1:55 PM when I orally took the first dose of 20mg. For thirty minutes nothing happens.

T +30
Nothing yet except an upset stomach. I feel a little lightheaded but I would attribute this to giddiness.

T +35
Just felt a rush of endorphins. Listening to Mogwai - Katrien. Feeling nice.

T +43
I feel physically relaxed, something is definitely up. Light is beginning to flutter so to speak.

T +1:30
Profound physical effects. I feel 'soft.' Visuals have not yet fully started to appear but there is an observable change in vision.

T +1:45
Perceptible changes in vision occurring as the minutes go by. I feel 'clean.' Infected Mushroom sounds very nice. Bubbling with energy.

Between this and the next report I insufflated 10mg because I was not experiencing as much visually as I would have liked. I insufflated it because I'm a straight to the point sort of guy. What I experienced was nothing short of overwhelming; however I don't regret it.

T +2:33 (this is where my handwriting quality starts to deteriorate tremendously)
Took 10mg nasally a few minutes ago. I am still struggling to hold on to reality. I am without a doubt, tripping.

T +2:38
Just stepped outside, it feels like the first time in forever. Just watched a car go by, jesus fucking christ that was crazy. The smell I cannot describe (referring to the scent of the outdoors). That truck just passed by again. Reds, blues, and greens are heavily accentuated. It seems almost pointless to be wearing sunglasses. Just took them off, the world seems more natural now. A man and his daughter just passed on a scooter. Lady ~200ft away says to her child, 'Doesn't it feel good out here?' I could hear it with amazing clarity, as if she was standing only a few feet away. To her I answer silently, 'You have no idea.'

T +2:42 (this doesn't seem right but it is what my notes seem to indicate)
Still on the front porch. Going back in to get more paper then heading out. I'm hardly out of the drive way when I feel the need to stop and describe the air- it feels rich and creamy to breathe.

T +2:55
The magnolia smells heavenly.

T +3:02
Back inside the house, I got hungry 40ft from the house and decided to go back for food.

T +3:30
I got really sidetracked in what I set out to do, which was go on a walk. I am going to do that now. (sometime shortly after leaving my house) Just talked to my dad, what a surreal experience. Just now exiting the neighborhood. The road in front of me spans to infinity (the road to me appeared overwhelmingly long. there was just something about the flatness and the trees that were on either side of the road that appeared majestic).

T +3:42
Multiple cars pass me as I am walking along the road. They seem inconsequential (at this point I was off in my own head, which is why the cars didn't register as they should have).

T +3:40
Everything building up to this point in life seems to be of some significance (Here I am becoming introspective. I was thinking about how the events in my life have affected who I am and how I act). I am without emotions, I can see objectively (I felt like I could carry out decisions regarding my lifestyle with moral certainty, much like on LSD except in a more natural way. On LSD this mindset was heavily pushed, whereas on 2c-e this mindset stumbled upon me).

(Shortly I arrive at a large field next to a neighborhood. I live in rural NC where there are tons of farms and fields like this are not anomalous by any means. I stop here and ponder for about an hour so. The wide open space is comforting to me and eases thought.)

Whenever I take my sunglasses off, it feels like waking up from a dream. I am now in the very middle of a field. To my north and east there are woods. To my south and east there are neighborhoods. Right now I feel as close to contentment as I have never been (Again, a feeling reminiscent of LSD, but again also not as forced. I felt as good about my life at that point as I should have, and not exceedingly so as on LSD). I feel detached from problems.

T +4:04
I feel constantly out of breath, but not in an uncomfortable way. I am sitting in the middle of this field. The thoughts that come to my mind are troublesome (at this point I had begun to worry about trivial matters as I often do). My short term memory is shot. I've checked my phone 3 or 4 times within the past minute to see what time it is.

T +4:18
This field is a very nice location. It is a nice place to trip. The wide open planes of grass seem to beckon forth endless strings of thought. My spelling throughout this trip has been rather atrocious (I would often have trouble spelling things, when normally I have superb spelling. at a few points during this trip, I actually misspelled things without even realizing it which is not reflective of me). Every time I write something down, out of the corner of my eye my left hand is overcome with a mass of color. The clouds are very wispy. The ones on the horizon are playing tricks on my eyes (I couldn't tell where the clouds ended and where the horizon began). I am looking at a pretty nice cloud formation. It is nothing amazing but it is the best I've seen today. I've said this before but the reds, blues and greens are highly accentuated.

T +4:30
I'm thinking about leaving this field and going back home. Why is everything I do counterintuitive (I was thinking again about how I act, these thoughts occurred frequently during the course of this trip)? Previously this drug was all about the visuals. Right now, the visuals are magnificent, BUT I'd say the mental component is much more significant (The first time I'd done 2c-e I did a LOT so the visuals were omnipresent and impossible to ignore. This time, it was not like that).

T +4:35
I am going to walk home. I thirst for coffee and music. This has been a remarkable experience sitting here in this field.

T +4:49
Depth perception leaves a lot to be desired (wrote this after crossing a fence unsuccessfully and falling on my ass). On the way back home I stopped to pet the gray mare in a field that sits caddy cornered to my neighborhood. I felt its snout, and it felt really weird (It felt like a fuzzy rubber. It licked me too, which felt even more peculiar). That was a good experience.

T +5:36 (this is where my handwriting starts to return to normal)
Sitting in front my computer listening to Aesop Rock - One Brick and eating ice cream. Had to put a sweatshirt on because I kept getting chills. Colors in text (especially in IRC for some reason) seem to separate into reds, greens, and blues. The ice cream does not taste different for the most part. The saltiness from the peanuts is enhanced. My computer setup feels like home (the room felt like a vast ocean, with my computer setup being an island).

T +5:51
I'm browsing art pictures I've saved on my computer (the pictures with light colors really garnered my attention. the colors would darken and become lighter again, much like on LSD). No signs of coming down yet. My numb right hand feels exceptionally peculiar on this drug. It is now dark outside for the most part.

T +6:11
Just did the dishes. Washed my hands afterward. Soap felt extra-slimy. Talking to dad is surreal (often times I found it hard to stifle a smile. I'm positive he was unaware that I was on drugs, and it was that fact that was humorous to me).

T +6:25
Drinking coffee and watching videos online, occasionally getting caught up in the cracks of my skin (the skin on my hand was really trippy).

This is where I stopped taking notes, and about where my trip died down. Overall, it was ENTIRELY different from what I remembered it to be. The trip was very tame (except for the few minutes after I had railed the 10mg). It was fairly introspective, not nearly on par with the introspection of LSD though. It was a nice trip to be put simply.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81208
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 3, 2010Views: 6,933
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2C-E (137) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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