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Skeptical Before...Not After
Citation:   Shrump. "Skeptical Before...Not After: An Experience with DMT (exp81391)". Jul 2, 2018.

55 mg smoked DMT
To preface: I have heard of 'breakthrough' DMT trips and to be honest was pretty skeptical.
To figure this out for sure, I ordered a pound of MHRB and extracted the DMT using a
combo of Lazyman's tek and Marsofold's tek. The first pull I got about .5g of the stuff
(subsequent pulls got about 2-3g total).

So, I had about half a gram of DMT over the course of a few hours, and I was going to smoke a ton of it.
I loaded up a bowl of approximately 50-70mg over some cigarette ash and tried to vaporize it before
exhaling. I sensed a strong 'rush and sinking' feeling and quickly took another huge hit before
nearly dropping the pipe on the ground.

I was lying on the couch when I did this, and a strong sense of intensity built up very quickly after
my second hit. The last thing I remember before 'breaking through' was patterns of cog-like shapes
spinning all over the wall. It was beautiful, but pale in comparison to the next moment.

After this, I was lying on the couch with what was at first a singular being. I am going to call
it a she because it seemed female to me (although I doubt these things have genders). At this point
I recalled an old Terrence McKenna article I read and was basically astounded that it was as far
as I can tell true!

From here the being, who was sending me very comforting messages, came and wanted to show me
something. Small beings were coming out of it and launching through my stomach, out of my back, and
then out of my stomach again. It was like some huge mass in my stomach was causing a very strong
gravitational field and they were sort of orbiting around it. At first I was worried, but I
quickly came to accept that they were not hurting me.

It is very hard to describe the sense that I and a few others have mouthed out loud 'It's the same thing. I can see it now but it was all already here.'

To describe what that means is tough, but I will try. As the DMT hits me these things and visions
don't really 'come' from anywhere; they are sort of transposed onto the things I am seeing in
some sort of weird plasma or something. I do not think that these are beings independent of time,
because on my trip I was listening to music, and I could still hear the music passing in relatively
normal time; however time was slowing/speeding up (but not stopping).

The figure then realized that I was very overwhelmed, told me that it would be overwhelming
everytime I visited them but I would get used to it in a way. It then left and I thanked it for
showing me these things.

The second time I smoked DMT (I won't go into details) I encountered a ton of these little alien things
in a huge bustle, all showing me these things. It verified a lot that these things could and
as far as I can tell do exist. This is mind blowing.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81391
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 2, 2018Views: 1,093
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Personal Preparation (45), Alone (16)

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