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The Evening Owls
Citation:   Little Fee. "The Evening Owls: An Experience with LSD (exp81486)". Erowid.org. Jan 30, 2019. erowid.org/exp/81486

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis
I have always been a spacey and whimsical sort of person, and LSD (although illegal and potentially dangerous) had always been a fascination for me, even at a young age. I knew it was something wanted to try. After copious amounts of research and reading, I decided to tell my brother (who was experienced in these matters) that I wanted to try acid sometime over the summer, when I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. He agreed to help me and we decided to wait for the perfect time to come.

Here’s some of my past information: I had been smoking cannabis for about 6 months before my experience, on a fairly regular basis, as it had become a cure for my deep suicidal depression and social anxiety that I had been in for the previous two years.

When the perfect time arrived, we were ready. We had heard particularly good things about this batch, and I was excited, happy, and bubbly, careful not to let any negative emotions slip in and taint my mindset. I was very focused on not having a bad trip, and I felt safe taking LSD with my head in a positive place. I felt only good things could come.

My brother and I dropped (1 hit each) together around 4pm at a safe mutual friend’s house and walked towards the ocean and a large secluded park. This park was a place I was very familiar with, and the place we settled down in was the spot where we would often go to smoke cannabis. After about 10 minutes into our walk I began to feel a strong metallic taste in the back of my mouth, in between my tongue and teeth. The walk was more or less uneventful, but by the time we reached the park (approximately 40 minutes later) the ground started to shudder around my feet, and the field of dry grass looked beautifully golden. The afternoon fog was just starting to roll in, and it looked like the sky was lit up by a lavender blacklight, making the high fog simply glow. I was lost in a strange and beautiful world. I didn’t talk much, but I remember asking my brother multiple times “where is we?” I knew exactly where we were, but I meant this other place, with the blacklight sky. He didn’t understand, and would repeat the name of the park instead. My body felt tense but delicious at the same time.

When we arrived to our spot (at this point it had been about an hour) I was peaking, and my brother pulled out a pipe and a sack of the healing herb (cannabis). My peak became a blur, almost like stop motion, of smoke and laughing and intense hallucinations. I remember feeling like I was riding the edge of a huge gulf of fire-energy, pulling strings for the perfect balance, feeling the joy and the power fill my body when I was successful. Looking at my brother’s face for a while, I saw the stars and flames and another world in his eyes. I could see him in profile and front view at the same time. His curly hair was whisping into feathers, and his eyes grew large, and he became an owl-man, with the pipe of knowledge in his hands, which I hardly remember smoking.

Suddenly, these men started walking through our spot, to settle at a nearby spot where they could see us (this is about 2.5 hours in to our trip). We immediately knew they were tweakers, and got really scared when more and more kept showing up. Feeling unsafe and watched (this was the only negative feeling of the whole trip, but this was a downside), we left to go to a new spot, where my owl-brother and I connected with our fellow tripping friends (they had dropped a few hours earlier and went surfing) via phone. They called my phone first (the more reliable one) and I got so confused and thought the phone was so silly my brother had to take it for me. We met up with them and ran around by the beach, having silly tripping adventures for a few hours. I could tell who was on acid because they were all owls. In fact, while we were walking around, I saw another owl man, and we had a brief moment of connection as he passed; the connection of the owls.

So the night went, but by 3.5 hours most of my visuals were gone (except for the blacklight sky and the owls, that stayed the whole time).

The next morning (after a fitful night of contemplative introspective sleep) we returned to the house we were staying at with huge soft beds and slept a beautiful sleep for some time. My brother and I reflected on our trips (he commented that the LSD was the strongest 1 hit he had ever done) and decided that this was an overall positive experience. Looking back, I would rather have peaked in a more private spot, not somewhere with public access, and maybe with music. Nonetheless, something I enjoyed, and something I will enjoy again.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81486
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 30, 2019Views: 853
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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