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Mild but Focused
Syrian Rue
Citation:   malik. "Mild but Focused: An Experience with Syrian Rue (exp81499)". Apr 21, 2016.

500 mg oral Syrian Rue (extract - 10x)
500mg Syrian Rue (10x extract)

Oral – put the resin material into a gelcap

Though the effects of this substance are mild – they are very noticeable during concentration. Basically, I found my ability to concentrate and to problem solve dramatically enhanced. I was working on several pieces of artwork during the experience (etchings and drawings) which I had found somewhat exhausting in weeks prior. I found myself engrossed in these tasks for hours and enjoying the music more than I had in ages.

Other effects included a very faint humming noise which nevertheless when focused upon became dramatically louder. I found myself meditating upon this “noise” for some time – again feeling extremely calm and focused.

I followed the dietary restrictions carefully during the day and I did not experience any nausea or discomfort.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81499
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Apr 21, 2016Views: 1,981
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Syrian Rue (45) : Alone (16), Performance Enhancement (50), General (1)

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