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Farm Trip
Citation:   Sudanym. "Farm Trip: An Experience with LSD (exp81521)". Apr 21, 2020.

2 tablets sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
One otherwise uneventful summer, a few friends of mine and I decided to trip at a farm belonging to the relatives of one of my friends. I got ten hits to share between the five of us, and we each ended up taking two. We planned to leave early in the day and spend the night there.

We arrived at the farm around 1:00 p.m. I decided to take the LSD immediately, partly because I was anxious and had been looking forward to the trip, and partly because I was worried the acid might have lost a sufficient amount of potency because I accidentally left it in my car (in the heat) a few days earlier. Three of us (myself included) had tripped before, and two of us hadn't (excluding salvia). After placing two hits under my tongue, I got out a notebook from my backpack and began writing down hypotheses for how I predicted everyone would react. We were all good friends with each other and knew one another's personalities well, so I thought my predictions were going to be accurate. It turns out that for the most part, they were. Based on how my friends reacted to the trip, I will refer to them indivudually as: Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, and Bashful from here on out.

One of my friends rolls a joint and starts passing it around. I am at first worried that the acid had been destroyed from being left in the heat, but this fear soon diminishes, and though I don't immediately feel the effects, I (for some reason) gain a sense of confidence that the trip is going to be fun. It probably had a lot to do with the atmosphere: we were in a safe and secluded area, in the midst of nature, on a warm day with a slight breeze.

Bashful is the first one to begin tripping, and he (at first) doesn't take it well. He starts pacing around and begins mildly panicking. I try to calm him down by telling him to remind himself that he's taken drugs, that he should smoke some more to help him relax, that the experience will end in some hours so he should try to enjoy it while it lasts. He calms down but still seems to feel generally anxious for a while. After getting over the initial overwhelming onset, he begins to enjoy it more.

It hits me too. I start to get a strange, semi-nauseous feeling in my stomach, which paradoxically feels magnificent at the same time. The best way I can think of to describe this general feeling that pervades throughout the trip is one of holy sickness, with the 'holy' part far outweighing the slight discomfort. The others start feeling it around the same time, and we stand up and walk around on the lawn in front of the cabin, taking in the scenery. I decide to play Grizzly Bear on my ipod, and, as expected, it's mind blowing. I also start to get visuals, such as wave-like distortions on the ground. Happy points out to everyone how quickly the clouds seem to be moving, and I look up in the sky to see that the sky itself seems to be a spinning projection wrapped upon a huge dome. I saw the sky not as a window to what's beyond space, but rather in a very geocentric way: as if everything was revolving around me, as if the world was closed to us alone.

Something unexpected happens next: someone arrives at the cabin who routinely inspects the place for termites and such. We see the car pull up, and Bashful, in an unexpected moment of lucidity, tells me to grab the weed which we had absent-mindedly left sitting on a picnic table. I hide it in my pocket and look at everything in disarray: we had all pulled chairs out and had placed them in the middle of the lawn. Not suspicious if the chairs had been in a circle: that would have just meant we were just relaxing and having a conversation outside. But the chairs were all facing the same direction: towards the cabin. I start to feel a little uneasy, and to avoid suspicion, Dopey and I begin passing a frisbee around. We played unexpectedly well considering the confusion we were in; at the time we weren't sure what was going on, and the tracers on the frisbee, though entertaining, were also distracting. Nevertheless, we didn't manage to look too drugged or awkward, and the guy left without saying anything to us, though that could always be because he just didn't care.

We went on a walk and all talked about what we were seeing and feeling. I had lots of interesting thoughts I wanted to express, but my mind was moving so quickly that any sentence I tried to convey, by the time my mouth was halfway through speaking it, would diverge into another train of thought that had entered my mind. I decided to climb a tree and listen to my ipod there. After managing to find a comfortable position on a branch, I played some music and began to experience the greatest part of the trip. I felt as if though a life force was rushing through the tree, and it was communicating to me through this constant buzzing/humming I was hearing. I looked up and saw rays of light shining through each individual leaf. My depth perception was thrown and the tree seemed infinitely high. It felt like the final scene from The Fountain. I pretended that the tree was an Ent a la Tolkien and tried communicating back, because it was obvious I was being spoken to. I spent quite a while up there.

I sat observing my friends talk down below, and eventually Bashful started walking up to me. This was interesting because I had no idea he would be able to do that. Because I was so engaged in watching everyone, I had forgotten that I was also in the same place, and felt as though everything occurring before me was a movie. So it was unsettling when someone started walking towards me, as if breaking the fourth wall or crawling out of the television like the girl from the Ring.

After I came down, roughly two to three hours had passed since the trip began. We talked more and messed around writing/drawing things in the journal. Some more friends arrived, bringing alcohol and weed. While inside the cabin making a vodka mix drink, I looked out the window and saw my friends on the picnic table talking to each other. I again felt like a detached observer, except this time as a scientist observing an experiment through a one-way mirror, as no one noticed me looking. It made me question my role for a moment as an observer rather than a participator, in life generally. I didn't give it too much thought, but did come away with this: I like my friends, and am going now to spend time with them actively. The trip lasted for a few more hours and started to fade with the addition of time and alcohol. As the sun set, we went on another incredibly fun walk, amazed by the scenery, by the experience we had, and by the vividness with which we took it in.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 81521
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 21, 2020Views: 663
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LSD (2) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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