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Dissociation and Need for the Calm
Citation:   LayZJaney. "Dissociation and Need for the Calm: An Experience with 2C-I (exp81535)". Mar 15, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-I  
  T+ 0:15   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:11   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 2:45   shots smoked Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 2:45   joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 8:15   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
App 9:15p.m. 20mg 2C-I was taken. Also, a friend, G, also took 20mg about ten minutes later. During this is occurs to me that Gs house is very busy organizationally (not ideal for any trip, let alone a first time on an RC)

9:30p.m. G and I both agree that we are starting to trip hard mentally. Open eye visuals similar to that of large doses of shrooms begin to happen. G and I both agree that we didn’t expect to metabolize the drug so fast. We begin to smoke tree out of a bong with C and K while I roll a joint.

10p.m. Serious visuals begin, everything appears to be vibrating with a sort of white and black set of lines around it. We decide to smoke a cigarette outside as the room begins to feel extremely hot and stuffy to myself and G. Also some rainbowing effects. I realize my eyes are very sensitive to light at this point.

10:26p.m. A couple more people arrive at the house. I begin to experience very prevalent auditory hallucinations in addition to more intense open-eye visuals. G and I smoke cigarettes and comment on how unpleasantly warm the trip is making us feel.

11p.m. Both auditory and visual hallucinations are very pleasant. Specifically everyone’s voices seem to talk yet also take on a computer-like low quality and buzz up and down in pitch, conversations seem to have 300 dimensions to them, people seem to be talking in code about everyday things while fitting words and conversations in between looking for the clicker.

11:15p.m. at some point in an attempt to dissociate I move to another room in the dark. Unfortunately my hearing is very keen because of the drug (or at least that seems to be the reason) and I am still able to hear everyone in the household. This causes me to delve into a very paranoid state of not being able to get out of the negative situation. From this point on I begin to act like a paranoid schizophrenic in the way I view social situations. I begin to think about the possibility of this never ending. New dimensions to the everyday reality and social goings on appear every minute and I continue to take them negatively. Dimensions of everything seem to be collapsing over themselves and folding, in a physical, mental, scientific, philosophical, visual and auditory way.

11:30p.m. Everyone begins a search for the giant sized clicker that has been lost as a result of the debilitating nature of the trip, the clicker cannot be found.

12p.m. We take shots of whiskey and then smoke a cigarette.

3a.m. the trip beings to mellow out. G and I talk until about 5:30 as we both cannot figure out whether we are tired or wired. G and I both express that we feel as though there is something missing. My head feels warm and kind of swollen, I have an odd feeling migrane, and an overwhelming need for fresh air.

5:30a.m. G and I smoke numerous bongs of weed in an attempt to become tired.

6a.m. G falls asleep. I begin to feel extremely anxious, similar to the anxiety of coke use only more severe. I continue to try to fall asleep but begin to feel the room is so stuffy that I can’t breathe. I step outside and breathe. I drink some water and eat a little to slow my metabolism. I continue to try to sleep, but I have prevalent closed-eye visuals and feel like I’m tripping again. I also hear G breathing hard (I believe because she is tripping in her sleep) and talking and making sad noises in her sleep.

7a.m. I fall into a very light sleep until about 10 a.m.

7:30p.m. (now) I sit here with a migrane. My brain feels as though it has been put through a lot. All day long I have felt odd.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81535
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 15, 2020Views: 805
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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