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Mediocre at Best
Citation:   R31CH. "Mediocre at Best: An Experience with MDMA (exp81541)". May 5, 2018.

1 tablet oral MDMA
Background data: Heavy marijuana use. No other drug use.

Frequency: First time (likely last)

Experience: Took one... didn't notice much went to sleep. Woke up a few hours later in a full-on trip. Was a mediocre experience at best but I did experience the textbook MDMA trip.

24 hour aftereffect: Loaded on fruit, carbs, and protein directly after trip. Spent a good part of the day sleeping. Did not experience any depressive thoughts or 'feelings', however found a very low level of motivation. It should be noted, however, that this lack of motivation did not directly affect my productivity for the day. The chores I planned still got done (albeit late).

Not sure yet what to expect in the 1-7 day frame. Based on how I feel now I'm expecting a typical Monday tomorrow. Maybe slight lethargy depending on what time I go back to sleep now. It should be noted that my setting was not a dance club, but rather my home. I had a friend with me to monitor fluid intake, body temperature etc... though he was asleep through my entire experience.

Initial trip upon waking caused anxiety but simple breathing exercises reduced my pulse from appx 120bpm with noticeably elevated blood pressure (most likely anxiety and the initial release of the serotonin flood) to approximately 60bpm with a noticeable decrease in circulatory pressure. Following the immediate 15-30 minute anxiety phase the trip was textbook. Heightened sensation and mild sensory overload. Thoughts and desires to 'be close' were experienced, but controllable. Curiously, as restless as I was I didn't much feel like going out or jumping around. I was much more focused on the sensations. This could be setting.

Overall... considering the adverse side effects that may or may not be associated with MDMA... I'm really not sure it was worth it. I think I'll stick with my marijuana and orange binges.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 81541
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: May 5, 2018Views: 670
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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