Vivid Dreams, Did Not Feel at All Rested
Mugwort & Cannabis
Citation:   thewho. "Vivid Dreams, Did Not Feel at All Rested: An Experience with Mugwort & Cannabis (exp81648)". Dec 30, 2016.

3 hits vaporized Cannabis
  3 hits vaporized Mugwort
I have been smoking mary at bedtime for a few weeks to help me sleep, and was intrigued by reports that mugwort would make dreaming more vivid.

It does. But I think I may have an idea about the mechanism of action that makes it less least to me. I noticed that after putting a tiny pinch in a vaporizer and inhaling the vapors, three times, that I got a slight buzz on top of the pot; kinda nice, but no biggie. I also noticed that colors were slightly more vibrant awake, which I believed was due to the mugwort, not the pot. In any case, I then went to sleep.

I slept soundly, but noticed when I was awakened in the early morning by my wife getting ready to go to an early morning work assignment, that I had not dreamed that I knew of, and that I did not feel at all rested.

I went back to sleep for the rest of the early morning, and had extremely vivid dreams, very visual - to the point I was actually reading hand-written notes by another person in my dream and trying to decipher them! I could see them, read them, but making sense of them...that was tough.

When I woke up in mid-morning, I noticed that I did not feel very rested at all, and also noticed that it appeared that all my vivid dreaming had been done in the early morning.

This makes me think that perhaps mugwort works by suppressing REM sleep, just like the drug Trazadone.

I did enjoy the vivid dreaming, both from the mugwort and previously when I took Trazadone for sleep, but the problem for me is that with both, I didn't feel rested, and I had to sleep for several hours longer to get my dreaming in so I wouldn't become dream-deprived.

It would be interesting if others have the same experience...that their vivid dreaming on having taken mugwort at bedtime is restricted to the morning, when they're partially awake or have gone back to sleep after awakening earlier.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81648
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 55
Published: Dec 30, 2016Views: 3,250
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Cannabis (1), Mugwort (292), Dreams (85) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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