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Riverside Wizards
Citation:   Curunir. "Riverside Wizards: An Experience with LSD (exp81680)". Feb 27, 2012.

T+ 0:00
1/2 hit   LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 1/4 hit   LSD (blotter / tab)
My first acid trip - by Curunir

Substance: LSD.
Initial dose: ~80 ug, ingested orally (half of a seal containing 160 ug) at about 2 pm
Follow up dose: ~ 40 ug ingested orally (one quarter of a seal) at about T+1:30
Date: unknown, probably somewhere late spring/early summer

I took my very first dose of acid, about 80 ug’s on the way to the station. Down the proverbial rabbithole that little blotter went. Our plan was to cross the river and head to a pasture on the edge of the water just across. A quiet place and with a natural feel to it, though it's very close to the city (which is on the riverside opposed to where we sat). I recall experiencing quite a bit of pre-trip anxiety, particulary once we were at the station buying something to eat and some fruit drinks for later. Inside the shop I felt a bit tense and had the sensation that everyone there was looking at me strangely. So I went outside and tried to relax for a bit. This must have been about T+30 mins.

Eventually we went outside and to the field across the river. On the bridge I began to notice the water had a deep hue and looked very alive. When we were down lating on the grass looking at the river this sensation increased. I felt quite happy to be there, and at one point I lay in the grass stretched out, listening to some psybient music on my ipod and looking at the cool trippy image on my weedbox. Somehow it looked more weird than it usually does when I'm sober ;).

So after a while I thought 'hey this acid is great'. Since my tripbuddy took some more, I decided to join him even though this was my first trip. I had about half a seal, which must have been about 40 mics more. In retrospect I slightly regret this. My eventual dose was about 120-30 ug, a bit much for a first trip especially considering the circumstances I was in later on. Though it was by no means a bad trip, things did get a bit uncomfortable now and then due to my inexperience combined with the strong dose.

At some point I wanted to head back to the city and check out this new acidified world I was in. Once across the bridge we headed into town, walking parallel to the river.
We passed these beautiful old houses, and looking at their fences I noticed they really weren't so strong and durable as I thought. They were actually melting as it were, very flexible and I just had to touch them. Suddenly I felt I understood the feeling Ken Kesey and his merry pranksters must have had when they dropped their seals. Acid makes you feel like a wizard of sorts, capable of bending matter and realizing the whole fabric of existence isn't so strong.. the durability and permanence of outside objects ain't so sure.. everything might just collapse any minute, but in a good way: why get hung up on anything. Much later this led me to realize how psychedelics may have played a vital part in spawning the whole counterculture movement of the 60s and 70s: if nothing is really as durable and fixed as it seems, why not try to reform society to be more in tune with your own ideals and beliefs?
Even more than fighting against the repressive society of the 50s, with its strict codes and morals, one could simply reshape them or create new codes.

At some point we turned left and went through these narrow medieval city streets until we came to an open door. We saw some artsy paintings outside and smelled some paint, so we boldly went inside. I felt like I was in a cave, with a dark and crooked ceiling, in which all sorts of wonders are hidden. We saw a man working on some paintings and art objects, mostly colourful surrealistic stuff. Quite nice. We talked for a while and I tried quite hard to 'look normal', which was less of a challenge for my tripbuddy D. Who is very experienced on acid. I thought it went quite well (it probably didn’t actually :p) so this became our running gag during the trip: we had to pass these acid checks by talking to sober people and try not to appear weird or tripping on acid. As the peak of the experience had yet to come, this became increasingly diffcult ;).

So then we walked on by the cathedral a few blocks further and I noticed the ground was going up and down as I walked.. it looked like I was walking over very tiny hills, which were flowing back and forth. In fact all straight lines appeared more crooked and bending. The edges of houses would change from straight to concave and convex shapes, switching back and forth. When I smoked cigarettes later I noticed these were also very much bended, almost completely in a 90 degree angle. Hilarity ensued (limp dick fag etc. :p).

But this bending combined with colours taking on an increased intensity are really the only visual effects the trip had for me. My other senses were thoroughly fucked though, sort of like they had been strewn about in a big jar and replaced randomly. I was only able to think in a more or less linear/logical fashion with great difficulty. My thoughts felt like they were being produced somewhere in the sky in front of me. When eating something I felt the taste not in my mouth but in my hands or (again) in the sky. My body sense was distorted too, nothing felt like it was in its proper place.
Their literally was no point of reference, by which i mean sensory input, thoughts and feelings were all flowing through one another and mingling together. My tripbuddy summed this up perfectly by saying: uppers make you go up, downers make you go down, but acid makes you go upside down.

Now I have to admit this was a bit scary because normally when on other substances there's still some rational voice in my brain to which I can turn. I probably won't if I'm having a good time, but if things go awry I’m able of regaining some control of the situation if I need to. With acid, it was like the very possibility of rational thinking was taken away, or at least distorted in some weird way. But I came to accept the lack of a point of reference as a lesson of sorts: maybe we don’t really need such a point in most situations. Just accepting uncertainty and the 'bendedness' or crookedness of the world as a fact we can live with.

But I digress: we went to look in a church and talked to a lady there, all the while appearing very normal and respectable of course ;) and eventually walked to a squatted place I know. This woman outside was preparing to make a little garden, planting some seeds and making a fence. I just had to stop and touch the earth, and ramble something about how unreal the earth was. The physical sensation of going through the dirt with me hands was odd, though I don’t recall why. We talked for a bit and eventually I told her I was on acid. 'Ah of course, I thought something was the matter'.

We talked to lots of people afterwards. Most of them were really in a different mind zone. The whole situation had this ‘concrete jungle’ tinge which made me feel out of place. We did make fun of this, ‘exploiting the concrete’ (like going up and down some escalators for about 15 minutes). But once back on the main town square my hearing began to disturb me: it wasn't just distorted (as were all my senses) but also sharpened. I heard a buzzing sound, and walking towards its source I realized I was aware of it at about 15 mtrs from where I should have been able to. People talking would come on very strongly which was quite uncomfortable. Later, when we sat on a bench in front of an ice cream parlour filled with people I felt quite tense. When I decided to get some ice cream inside I was really overwhelmed by all the people, their feelings and their talk inside. It was extremely hard to focus and do what I came there to do. A very uncomfortable sensation.

Eventually I thought 'well what the hell, either I freak out and run outside, or I'll just push through, get my ice cream and pass the test'. Which I did. I was somewhat proud of having passed this last acid check, the most difficult of all.. though it might have been better to just go somewhere else. Once outside I ate the ice cream which tasted very strange, creamy and buttery of sorts but with little other taste. Also, the taste was located some 20 cm's in front of me, instead of in my mouth where it belongs :p.

After sitting on the terrace for a while we proceeded to walk on the central square, when the weather started to change. It went from beautiful and sunny to darker and a bit dreary. Rain started to fall and all the bars and cafes were closing up. This had a big effect on my mood which became quite dreary as well. We walked through the park on the way home and by this time I was in a grim mood. And discussing the meaning of life only increased this effect. But fortunately we met some friends who usually hung out in the park smoking their weed and drinking their beer. Though they were also in a very different state of mind (as were most people we met during the day) I did enjoy their ‘gruff companionship’ (for lack of a better word). And upon sitting down and quickly downing half a litre of beer (uh-oh) my mood started to improve. So when I went away from the park and back home to get some dinner I was in better spirits.

After dinner the trip had mostly worn of, though there was some afterglow and I was in a philosophical/introspective state of mind (even more so than usual).
Had a little talk with my mom, a mate came by and we watched a nice movie. I was very tired in an emotional/psychological sense, but not quite ready to sleep yet, so I lay awake for some time.. sensing some strange patterns in the dark and not feeling sleepy. Eventually I did doze off and felt quite rejuvenated once I awoke.

So, in retrospect: a good trip, but I could’ve made it easier on myself. The contentment was there occasionally, but the sense of euphoria was only there the first hour or two and I had some mixed feelings afterwards.

My recommendations (to myself):
- go a bit more easy on the dose next time
- stay in a more rural/natural area
- don't plan any new activities afterwards
- recognize lsd is active for a very long time

All in all, I do consider this to have been a rewarding ‘first contact’. Acid certainly merits more exploration.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81680
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 27, 2012Views: 7,678
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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