Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Everything I Expected
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   El-Es-De. "Everything I Expected: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp81742)". Dec 31, 2020.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
I had been imagining what it would be like to trip on acid for a few years when I had finally had the opportunity. I would not have considered myself at all experienced in hallucinogenic drugs, having had small dose trips on mushrooms, and a few crazy salvia trips. Acid turned out to be much different than my other experiences.

I had just gotten back from home for winter break, just settled back into res when I hear of acid. I immediately get as much as my financial situation allowed me (3 tabs) and chucked them into my safe... For you know, safekeeping. Anyways, fast forward a few days, me and some friends are sitting around bored as hell, I have class in a few hours but figure I'll probably just skip and decide to drop a tab of acid.

So I get the stuff out, my buddy tells me I should take 2, I agree and place em on my tongue and let them sit for a few min then swallow them down. That subtle little bitter taste assured me that there was some form of chemical on those little pieces of paper.

Now it is important to keep in mind that I was the only one who was tripping, everyone else was otherwise just stoned off good pot.

About 30 min after I dropped the acid, I get this intense, sudden fear that I had done something horribly stupid, that I didn't want to trip in the middle of the day by myself, I was freaked out. I went to the bathroom and stood there wondering if it was too late to puke out the stuff (of course it was). I had an argument with myself and decided that I would just go with it, and went back to my room.

But that was not the end of it, I was still panicking, and my buddies had left for class.

I don't remember exactly how long I was just sitting around in my room alone but it could have not been any longer than an hour. When finally my buddy comes back, he is the only other guy who has done acid before and I demand to know if it is possible to abort an acid trip. He has no idea and starts to mess with me telling me that once you take acid, its in ur system for good.

Skate for PS3 is a pretty trippy game to watch, this was about 2 hours or so after dropping the acid and things are starting to groove good. I'm seeing streaks of colors come out from all over the place on the tv, and the floor looks like its projecting a second image of itself a foot up, like I'm walking through the floor.

Before I was really tripping I remember going to the bathroom, my pupils were huge. On the way to my room I saw my buddy standing outside in the hall then walk back to my room, immediately I knew what was up, they were putting my last tab of water in my water. I walk in screaming gibberish and they are saying I'm crazy but there it was. I did not want to take it so I kept the bottle with the tab in it. (That bottle still is sitting around and built quite a nasty colony)

I remember I had a big bag of pot at the beginning of this trip and by the end of it, that would change. I had my buddy on joint rolling duty, and basically, once I had lost all perception of time, I had to rely solely on joints as a reference of time. I understood that once it was time to stand up and walk outside for joint, roughly 45 minutes to an hour had passed.

Now this being January on the east coast of Canada, its pretty fucking cold out. But I'd just burst outside in my tshirt and once I flung that door open it would be like BANG whoa its like another world out here man. One point I remember standing in the parking lot smoking a joint, and looking down at the potholes and cracks in the pavement, and the snow outlining the holes started to glow then look like lava, I was standing on the charred surface of Mercury and lava was pouring out at us I concluded. Oh we finished that joint already? Time to go back inside.

I remember walking back to res and seeing some guys moving in, one guy tossed a ball to the other, but I had to ask if they were throwing coconuts around.

I jump back onto my bed, such comfort and warmth. After listening to some music for a while I start to imagine myself out in the middle of the ocean. My blue sheets the endless sea, my green blanket the island I am sitting on. I could feel the wind and the sun, but then I snapped out of it when a bunch of friends burst in with beers.

Before I know it we are all sitting around watching 2 guys playing NHL 09. Watching the game with all my friends standing around me started to get pretty intense. I was sitting on the floor and they were almost standing all around me behind me, it felt like I was in a stadium, then before I knew it, my friends became the walls of the colosseum and I am sitting in the middle of it and I can hear the chants of thousands. I snap out of it.

Now I had dropped the acid at 12 noon and at this point the sun was down, my buddy suggests we watch a movie. He puts on the Royal Tenenbaums, a movie that I had never seen before. Now if I were to try to explain this movie to you I would have a really tough time because this movie did things to my mind that I didn't know were possible. I could not follow anything at all and for a while would just focus on the staging and symmetrics of the background.

After a while everyone went off to do their own thing, and I was left alone for the night. I decided to watch a favorite, nacho libre. Holy fuck that would mess with me further. I could not figure out the DVD player for a while and watched the main menu, finally I started the movie. Now I cannot really understand what happened and I assume it was the drug but I have some doubt. Midway through the movie I decide to close my window, and as I do the movie pauses and repeats. This happens 3 times when I was standing there, the first time was 100% because I hit my PS3 controller, but I remember picking it up and placing it on my chair, I cannot explain the 2 other times, and I remember at that point I became distressed. By the 3rd time I saw the scene happen I begged god for it not to happen (I am not at all religious) and sure enough the movie continued, I was relieved. I followed the story of nacho and felt like I was alongside him the entire time.

Throughout the entire night I was watching funny things on youtube, the internet rocks but you gotta be careful not to click the wrong thing, I would freak myself out so many times by going to those shock videos, it wasn't as scary as I thought it should've been considering my state of mind, but it does not help my joint rolling abilities when a scarred up zombie face pops out at you.

One strong visual I had was when I was rolling a joint. The way my fingers were moving so delicately back and forth my hand started to morph into a spider and it looked like it was spinning a web, my thumbs the spinnerets. I could not get my eyes off the arachnid, its glare caught mine, I was truly terrified. But then I snapped out of it and went out to enjoy the night.

In summary I dropped the acid at noon and I would say the effects started to wear off by 5 am. Compared with shrooms I'd say I could handle myself better in a situation where I had to converse with sobers and I didn't have that CRAZY OUT OF CONTROL feeling that I would get eating an eighth of shrooms. However I didn't get anything mind shattering that salvia gave me.

All in all it was a great time and I look forward to my next opportunity.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81742
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 31, 2020Views: 662
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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