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The Purple Haze
Sildenafil & Oxycodone
Citation:   ChickenGiblets. "The Purple Haze: An Experience with Sildenafil & Oxycodone (exp81747)". Erowid.org. Mar 26, 2020. erowid.org/exp/81747

35 mg oral Oxycodone
  100 mg oral Pharms - Sildenafil
In my experience, those little slips of info I get with my meds tell me possible side effects etc, but I find that really does not prepare me for possible side effects or reactions, hence why when I start any new drug I check online to get the full story of how people feel and experience when they take certain drugs.

As a bit of a background, I am 34, and have not engaged in recreational drug use since my early 20’s save for the odd toke of a joint here and there. I suffer from a chronic pain disease which I manage with Sustained Release Oxycontin and a low dosage of Oxycodone for breakthrough pain, chronic pain’s bastard cousin, as well as various anti inflammatory medicines. This mixture keeps me up and moving and at work. I will also point out that I really don’t get ‘high’ off these particular drugs/dosages any more, (at one point I was on 120mg SR oxy a day before dropping off) it just dampens the pain some – not overly important, though I miss the added bonus that was the opiate rush. There is sometimes a bit of frustration between my GF as the combination of opiates often messes with my sex drive/erectile functions and was interested in acquiring some sildenafil to see if it would improve things.

After obtaining some viagra along the way I decided tonight was the night to give it a shot…my intention was to have a pilot run while my GF was away to see how my body would react/how it would feel etc, particularly how it would go mixed with the meds listed above.


It is 8:00 in the evening. I have dosed (at 7:30) with 30mg Oxycontin (chewed – to get the full dose all in one) and 5mg Oxycodone. I am feeling slightly horny with the prospect of what I am about to do; the Oxy is just kicking in. I jump on the net and start surfing some porn to get more in the zone, as well as checking for info/experiences with viagra. I am fully aware that at some point I will have to ‘choke the chicken’ to get the full experience and possibly to get soft again, as I know not how long this stuff keeps you in wood.

8:30PM – I take 1 x 100mg Sildenafil and wash it down with lemonade and continue surfing porn. By this stage I am getting quite ‘frisky’. I am hoping it will work well and agree with me so I can try it with my GF.

8:45 – I start to get a slightly un-pleasent pressure in my head behind my eyes. No effect on getting wood so far.

9:00 – The pressure behind my eyes is growing and I have got some serious bone on. Also observe a slightly heightened sense of arousal in my member. Feel a bit nauseous.

9:12 – The effects are now (I believe) in full swing. The pressure headache, though rather unpleasant, is not distracting me too much, though my eyes feel wrapped in heavy cotton wool.

9:36 – I get up for the first time since dosing to get a drink from the kitchen when I notice that my vision is getting rather distorted – when I move my eyes from one point to another everything seems washed in a vibrant purple aura. I take some time just standing there looking around the room thinking this would be rather pleasant if not for the slight nausea pressurized headache feeling
this would be rather pleasant if not for the slight nausea pressurized headache feeling
in my head.

10:07 – It is now just over 2 hours since I have dosed and the side effects are becoming a bit too much for me so I finish off (no need to report on that) and find that there is a bit more pleasure and stimulation afforded by the blue pill.

10:15 – I go to bed feeling a bit nauseous, which abates soon after turning out the light; My headache drops in intensity after the visual overload is mostly snuffed out when I turn out the light, and fall asleep soon after.

At the time of writing this it is 19 hours since I dosed. I woke up in a bit of a haze an hour late for work and for the first 2 hours of the day had trouble focusing my right eye, which was disconcerting. My eyes still fell like they are wrapped in cotton and I still have a rater unpleasant headache and my eyes feel sluggish when I move focus from one point to another and are rather irritated and red.

All in all the actual experience wasn’t too bad but I am of two minds whether to try it with my GF as I didn’t much like the head space it put me in and how long it seems to take to recover; I am not sure if the side effects were heightened by possible drug interactions with my pain meds or if that is just the norm, but I didn’t like the way my right eye could not focus properly. Yuck.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81747
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Mar 26, 2020Views: 2,547
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Oxycodone (176), Pharms - Sildenafil (130) : Alone (16), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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