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Citation:   Aibhne. "Ebullience: An Experience with MDMA (exp81827)". May 17, 2022.

1 tablet oral MDMA
    smoked Cannabis
Months before my three week break between summer session and the fall semester a very close friend ('Emily') and I spoke of the various things we wanted to do together when I came home. Drugs came up a few times and we both decided that rolling for the first time together would be an amazing experience.

The last week of freedom with friends and family I had before returning to college the two of us and a very close mutual friend of ours ('Ben') went to club downtown to meet up with a few people and have a good time. While there I was offered a tab as a going away present by Emily and coaxed into taking it while we were still at the rave. It wasn't until after the tablet hit my tongue that I realized: I could very well die from this.

Em's tab hit her pretty hard and she started tripping at least twenty minutes after knocking it back, I however, didn't start to feel anything until we hit the parking lot nearly an hour-and-a-half later.

At the onset I only felt a bit floaty, a lot like I do after a really hard run and my legs turn to goo. The more I started to roll the more I noticed the differences between Em's trip and mine: she liked the bright lights and loud music, but I wanted things to be slow and quiet. We were both talking extremely fast and I felt the most articulate I have ever been, for once it seemed my mouth could catch up with my thoughts. Every time I closed my eyes the feeling would intensify tenfold for just a few minutes. Emily and I were in such a complete and total state of ebullience that when Ben's tire blew out on the freeway we didn't feel an ounce of fear only excitement at the prospect of an interesting adventure.

When we got back to Em's apartment we set up Ben's tripod to record the goings-on while we smoked a couple bowls and whispered endlessly together about everything we could think of. Speaking at a normal volume seemed too much and Emily and Ben followed along at my behest. Even before the bowls we spoke about how easy it was to 'get stuck' on sounds, movements, and line of sight. At one point when I was up and about I became fixated on the different movements of muscles and bones in my feet when I walked. I started babbling on and on about the difficulties in imitating bipedal movement and walked slowly in circles for a long time in amazement. Emily is an artist and she likes to draw while under the influence of anything so she pulled out a sketchpad and nearly wore a hole in a page while retracing her lines over and over. At one point Ben handed me a pen and some paper and tried to get me to write what I was feeling and thinking, but I didn't like how it felt and it was hard to concentrate on forming letters and words over the cringing.

We experimented with a few other things like listening to different types of music at different volumes and trying out silly little games to see if we had developed any kind of 'really wizard superpowers' (Ben). What's especially trippy (excuse the bad pun, please) about that night is that at one point Ben answered a question I thought I hadn't actually spoken aloud. We went back a little later and viewed the video's we filmed and realized I really hadn't actually said anything... A similar occurrence happened once or twice more after that as well. It was more than a little spooky for all of us, but in those few hours I really felt like I could have done anything, and it was the most liberating experience I have ever had.

That night and two following days, though, I was completely exhausted, had lost my appetite, and would occasionally still feel the effects of the ecstasy in my system when I closed my eyes. Thinking back on my trip, I was very lucky it turned out as well as it did. I don't know if I'll ever take MDMA again, but I don't regret rolling that night.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81827
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 17, 2022Views: 448
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MDMA (3) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2)

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