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The Impossible Alien Language
Citation:   Boognish. "The Impossible Alien Language: An Experience with DMT (exp81905)". Jan 31, 2018.

5 hits smoked DMT
I have experienced most all drugs by this point in my life, always tasting the power they hold but never really fulfilling my lust for the revelations. Recently I acquired 10 plus grams of DMT for a very cheap price from a group of carnival-esque people living in hotels and selling drugs on the move. I have personally been selling this substance at inflated price, but also engaging in high dose personal trips.

My most recent experience I was able to take in 5-6 massive inhalations before being pushed onto my back some kind of geometric wave that builds with each hit. I will not be able to fully communicate this experience with words, but I will do my best. Immediately thousands of hieroglyphs began rotating around my room in an infinite yet intricate pattern. I cannot be convinced that this was an aspect of my mind, but rather an insight into nature and ancient knowledge. I saw a glimpse of the way life works and the illusion of time, and even the illusion of any laws of physics we hold true. The most radical aspect of the whole experience was the divine being there with me. It was made of a structure beyond anything I could imagine, like in infinite pun composed of both back and forth, up and down, past and present, all of these melting and twisting in a 4th or 5th dimensional space. Upon returning to reality; which was about 5 minutes longer than an average trip I could not stop saying 'their people!'. However, as wild and lustful this may make the reader, I feel urged to warn the power this holds. It takes a radical change in ones worldview, and while I suffered no consequences, it seems if used improperly this is a kind of witchcraft which can have an number of unwanted things brought back into our three dimensional world.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81905
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 31, 2018Views: 1,250
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DMT (18) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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