I Love You and I'm Glad You Exist
Citation:   Baldwin. "I Love You and I'm Glad You Exist: An Experience with LSD (exp81980)". Erowid.org. Sep 16, 2018. erowid.org/exp/81980

2 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
It was the first month of my freshman year of college and I had ended up with a roommate, Evan, with whom I got along extremely well. We both listened to Phish and the Grateful Dead, we both liked smoking pot and we had both tripped at least a few times before. He told me that the first time he tripped changed his life significantly for the better; he lost weight, stopped playing World of Warcraft, and started living in a much healthier way. I had tripped before at a concert but I didn’t have any revelations, just some intense visuals while listening to the music. We decided that the two of us as well as our friend Madeline would go to a gigantic local park with nature areas and trip together as a way to inaugurate our first year at school.

We took our acid sitting on a bench on campus, two hits each on paper squares about a centimeter square in size. Smiling with excitement, we mounted our bikes and set off for the park, which was about a fifteen-minute ride away. By the time we reached the center of the park, about 25 minutes later, I could feel an incredible feeling in my chest. The only way Evan and I could verbalize it was that we were feeling “potential”. My surroundings gradually started to look more and more colorful and I could see the sun starting to cast alpenglow on Mt. Rainier as we approached sunset. When a deer and a peacock simultaneously approached our group to within 10 feet, sending us into a state of silent awe, I knew we were starting to trip really hard.

We decided to go further into the park as the sun started to set. It was darker in the woods, but we were explorers in a strange land and were unafraid. We sat down in a clearing far off the path, completely surrounded by trees, and took another tab each. I started pouring dirt all over myself because I had realized that there is nothing inherently wrong with being dirty, it’s just a perception we’ve developed living in American society.
We sat down in a clearing far off the path, completely surrounded by trees, and took another tab each. I started pouring dirt all over myself because I had realized that there is nothing inherently wrong with being dirty, it’s just a perception we’ve developed living in American society.
We reached a parking lot and I laid down on the ground and put on my headphones. I listened to the Doors’ American Prayer album, a collection of poetry set to music, and watched new constellations appear in the sky and swirl around like a whirlpool. I could feel an incredible energy in all parts of my body. I couldn’t speak except to make weird moaning noises. I was awestruck, overcome with the beauty of this planet. I felt what I can only describe as a deep, profound love for Earth and all that resides on it.

Later that night, when we returned to the dorms, I was coming down but could still feel the effects somewhat. I felt a powerful need to communicate the revelation that I had, that every human being is valuable and deserves to be loved. “The only real sin is harming another human”, I said. I would say to strangers I met, “I don’t know you, but I love and respect you, and I’m glad we exist in the same universe.” I couldn’t help but feel such profound love for every human I encountered that it almost moved me to tears.

I felt that I had found the key to the archetypal religious experience. I was thoroughly convinced that God resides in our own self-awareness. The thing we’ve been searching for since the dawn of time is really ourselves, we just haven’t realized it yet. I came to terms with how short and insignificant our lives are, and rather than a depressing thought, it was quite comforting to know that my own life is miniscule in comparison with the human race and this planet.

Since this trip I have continued to feel differently. I am much more spiritual than I was before. I can still feel the deep love for every human being and I have adopted as my philosophy the words of a Moody Blues song: “Love everybody and make them your friend.” I have made an effort to treat every person I meet with respect and to make them feel as if I am glad to be with them. While I do not advocate the use of LSD to anyone who is not themselves sure of their desire to use it, I believe it can be a tool to significantly improve one’s life. It is a big decision, but I feel exponentially more mature and wiser since tripping. I’ve stopped drinking and smoking cigarettes, which hold no appeal for me anymore. All in all, my acid experience was among the best things ever to happen to me.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81980
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 16, 2018Views: 839
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LSD (2) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Various (28)

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