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No Regrets, Occasional Cramps
Morning Glory
Citation:   PsychadelicDrop08. "No Regrets, Occasional Cramps: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp8204)". Jul 13, 2004.

6.0 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I talked to a good friend two days before experimenting with Morning Glory seeds. He was explaining to me about Morning Glory seeds and the affect they can have on person. I started to think about trying them. I just moved from somewhere and, well I didn't have any access to marijuana so I thought I would try something new. I started doing research about the seeds and read a lot of the experiences and decided that I would try it.

I bought 12 grams of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds and 3 grams of Flying Saucer seeds. When I got home I went to bed early to rest for tomorrow's adventure. I woke up the next afternoon well rested and starting the day by crunching up the seeds. I didn't have a blender in the house so i kept the Morning Glory in the packets and took them to the garage where I crushed them up with a hammer I had lying around. After that I emptied the seeds in a glass and poured some water in it. I quickly drank the glass of water and it tasted horrible. I had something light to eat so I would have an empty stomach and went to my bedroom. I took the seeds at about 1:35pm. After about 25 minutes, I started to feel the effects of the seeds. I was starting to feel a little light-headed so I lied down on my bed. I started lookin at tha fan and noticed how awesome it looked just spinning round and round. It was amazing. I called my ex girlfriend to say whats up and no matter what was said, I couldn't stop laughing. I was laughing hysterically. After I got off the phone, I noticed I wasn't feeling well, my stomach started hurting.

I tried to get up to move around, but I was feeling really sluggish and lazy. I eventually got up and wondered the house and fell down after a little bit because my legs were cramping horribly. I got up and walked over to the couch and watched tv for a bit. About an hour and half into the trip, I was starting to laugh at everything and nothing that happened around me. The tv was funny, the couch was funny, it felt like I had just smoked a crapload of good weed. I was really having a blast. It had the same effects weed had, I was extremely hungry.

I went out and got some food after a little while and the food tasted amazing. I would just hold in in my mouth for a few seconds, then chew it, and swallow. I took my time eating it all. I was starting to come down and I went outside to have a cigarette. I stared at the smoke and watched it swirl and the wind and it looked amazing. I was awed by the sight of it and had another cigarette. I went back in and my legs still were cramping a little bit. I went to lay down and watch tv and listen to some music. I lied in my bed listening to a song that was four minutes and it seemed to last hours. The feeling was almost undescribeable. When I was coming down, I was just looking back on the experience I just had and was realizing everything.

After the expierence everything seemed toned down and very mellow to me. I have no regrets in taking the seeds. The only problem I had with them was the leg cramps and the occassional stomach cramps.

All and all it was an awesome and beautiful thing.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8204
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2004Views: 10,961
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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