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Painting All Night
Citation:   Paint. "Painting All Night: An Experience with 2C-E & MDMA (exp82170)". Jul 19, 2010.

T+ 0:00
  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:05 100 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:10 12 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45   repeated smoked Cannabis  
A friend of mine, and one of his friends I hadn't met before came over to smoke. His friend was rolling for the first time, and I mentioned I had never done MDMA before. My friend immediately offered me 100mg of molly(MDMA) that he said was some of the best molly he has had. We smoked a few bowls out of my bong and I was thinking about taking the molly or not.

I decided to take it, it was aprox. 8-9pm I can't remember.
After I dosed it, he asked me if I wanted to try a low dose of 2CE also, like 5mg. I suggested about 10mg and he grabbed a pinch out of his bag an put it on the scale an it weighed to be 12-13mg - so thats what he gave me to dose.
After dosing both, my friend an his friend left to go dose LSD, I didn't go with them because my plan was to stay home and paint.

I was starting to feel the come up from the MDMA, I took some more bong rips of some Chemdawg x Bluemoon and some Blue Cheese (the names of the marijuana strains). I was starting to feel very euphoric, music sounded good, my jaw was starting tensing up a little from both the drugs.

I started painting while listing to music w/ earbuds on, I was feeling happy and energetic. As I was painting, the 2CE hit me in the face, the colors on the canvas looked like there was paint thinner poured over it an they were melting away. But then they would re-appear; this is when I realized I was tripping balls.

I noticed that depending on the angle I looked at the canvas, the image would dynamically change, I believe this was happening because the light would reflect off the wet canvas in different ways as I moved. Also the grain of the canvas (the texture of the surface), and texture of the paint / brushstrokes became more lively and 3 dimensional.

At one point while I was painting, I was looking at a photo of a girl I miss a lot for reference on my computer, and I felt like I could manipulate my painting's composition without painting.

When I would look at my canvas it was constantly changing even when I wasn't painting. The colors would shift from one to another, and they would melt, and vibrate around on the surface of the canvas. I remember being confused about what the painting actually looked like, because it was so dynamic - I could see the general image of the painting, but since it was moving and changing I wasn't sure where the paint actually was on the canvas.

At some point in the middle of the night I took a break from painting and got some sorbet out of my freezer. When I opened the lid of the sorbet I noticed there was frost on the inside of the lid, an I was seeing fractal like visuals in the texture of the frost.

I ended up painting until 4 or 5am, then going to sleep. I can't recall everything, so I'm going to wrap this report up here. Overall I found 2CE to be one of the most visual trips I've had - things that have patterns, colors, textures reflections from light became very trippy when focusing on them. I'm not really sure what MDMA feels like because I was tripping so hard once the 2CE kicked in, but I'm sure it helped keep my trip positive.

The only negative I had from my experience was my jaw tensing up / chattering from the MDMA & 2CE, I experienced my jaw tensing up the day after my trip also.

I think I would try this combination again in the future, but I think I'd want to wait a while to space it out.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82170
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 19, 2010Views: 8,119
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2C-E (137), MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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