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Unknown Tasks Bestowed
by ZenX
Citation:   ZenX. "Unknown Tasks Bestowed: An Experience with Changa (exp82186)". Jun 12, 2021.

2 hits smoked Changa
This report is still written without much further thought into the experience, which I think is important. Will document why.

(Set & Setting: My house, low lights, night time, wearing sarong, Shpongle - Tales of the Inexpressible playing)

After much preparation, including several meditative states, a cup of Rose and Jasmine tea, covering of energy-draining or manipulating devices, such as Electronic medium sources and outlets, I packed a small pipe of the material: DMT amongst MAOI-containing unknown plant.

Smoked as much as I could on one toke. Felt strange effects immediately. Knew there was not much longer. Smoked second pipe, while holding smoke in, infinitely complicated geometrically accurate mathematical auras appeared around all things.

I am still not entirely sure what happened next. My eyes were wide open, sometimes closed... there was a strange noise, a hum of sorts, and I felt a feeling that I feel I remember from kindergarten. I could not stop swallowing, but not uncomfortably. The taste is also one I feel that is not new, but old and remembered. Something, again from my childhood.

After closing my eyes, but not quite willingly, I felt like I was required to, I saw creatures. They made absolute perfect sense at the time. And they were creating something, which also made perfect sense at the time. I knew exactly what it was they were doing, and why they were doing it. But upon recollection now, I am not sure.

(TIMED at 22:06)

After a few minutes more of things I am yet to understand and quite comprehend, I wrote all I could, then had a sudden need to be outside. I took a small rug, sat outside in the warmth and stared straight at a star / planet (yet to document).

I then felt an overwhelming REQUIREMENT to map the stars to the best of my ability, with particular reference to this particular star. This would be the centre point of this particular map. I am unsure as to the reason, but feel that I need to, and the answer will come later. I feel now that not all things purposes should be known immediately, but if you NEED to do it. DO IT. The answers will come.


I have been writing and thinking quickly. Absorbing as much as possible and getting out as much as possible. I believe that this is a communication with a plant. Call it what you will, it's spirit, soul, energy... whatever. All things communicate in different ways. The plant is not necessarily a HIGHER being, but certainly perceives the Universe differently. This, I feel, interacts with our own neuro-chemistry to elucidate different states of perception.

I am yet to understand exactly what is the TRUE difference and separation between subjective and objective realities. It feels almost like the patterns I described above. Our own reality is an infinitely complicated, infinitely spiralling smaller and smaller, more complex downward, connecting into the lattice of something more complex than we can possibly comprehend. It feels like objective and subjective reality are games of our own ego, that eventually are torn to shreds as all of this is torn apart, down down down.

The experience and these thoughts now are all as one.

We are all as one, infinitely complex lattice. Even though our own animalistic filters disallow the experience of this always, as it would interrupt our animalistic necessities.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82186
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 12, 2021Views: 674
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Changa (816) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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