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Headache That Will Not Go Away
by Max
Citation:   Max. "Headache That Will Not Go Away: An Experience with Buspirone (exp82205)". Apr 30, 2019.

15 mg oral Pharms - Buspirone
I was prescribed Buspirone 15mg tablets twice a day from my university clinic for my 'anxiety attacks'. I was after xanax but the doctors don't prescribe that until there are no more options.

After picking up my prescription from the rite aid, I immediately popped one in my mouth and chewed it the second I got into my car. About six or seven minutes go by and I am starting to notice a brightness in the colors that surround me while driving home. Colors are starting to glow and my peripheral vision seems distorted, strange patches of color texture my hands on the wheel Dark patches move over them with every eye movement. I realize I have a headache.

Back in my room now typing this, I feel very smile and my roommate notices very quickly. No change in mental state, just slight visuals, my mind still seems sharp. I look in my mirror and gaze at my face as I often do while on LSD. What I see is a dramatic increase on my facial features, my cheek bones look more defined, facial hair having more of a prominence. My eyes look deeper into my head than I have ever noticed. My hallucinations are very minimal sort of like a very very minor LSD onset, however they don't become any stronger than that.

About an hour passes and I am not feeling any effects from the drug but a headache that will not go away.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82205
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 3,325
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Pharms - Buspirone (155) : First Times (2), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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