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Good Enhancement for a Night Out with the Lads
Mephedrone, Methylone, MDPV & Butylone
Citation:   elecraglide. "Good Enhancement for a Night Out with the Lads: An Experience with Mephedrone, Methylone, MDPV & Butylone (exp82282)". Feb 17, 2010.

80 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
  150 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  20 mg oral MDPV (powder / crystals)
  100 mg oral bk-MBDB (powder / crystals)
Over the last couple of months I have been reading various reports and experiences to find a 'legal high' that is a good enhancement for a night out with the lads. I couldnt really find out what i wanted so I decided to buy samples of each of the above and do my own testing with friends.

All males of various ages and weights (weight did not seem to have any differering effects) each taken along with about 6 pints of beer to start with.

Mephedrone - 80mg sample - nice feelings arrive after 25 mins and last around 5 hours, small amount of dry mouth
150-200mg - more intense but had to stop drinking and went on the water after 90 mins, no trouble sleeping.

Methylone - 150mg same type of feeling as Mephedrone but speedier
had very light sleep after and raging headache in morning.

MDPV - 20mg very small dose required felt really mellow and this was probably the best so far but this was ruined by the impossibility to sleep. this lasted 10 hrs and i would not like to try this one again, other people also said they could not sleep all night and got up and felt rough all day.

Butylone - 100mg again very similar to Mephedrone but my brain felt like it was shrivelling up

What will I be ordering now? Mephedrone!

If I wanted a mild & mellow enhancement to a night out I would use around 80mg-100mg if I wanted a more raging night I'd have 150-200mg and start looking a bit strange with the staring eyes and gurning mouth.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82282
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Feb 17, 2010Views: 21,408
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458), MDPV (377), bk-MBDB (348), Methylone (255) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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