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No Problems, No Sadness
Citation:   Plant The Seed. "No Problems, No Sadness: An Experience with MDA (exp82329)". Aug 27, 2017.

2 tablets oral MDA (pill / tablet)
To get started let me tell you a little bit about my past drug use history. I am a very experienced recreational drug user, I have tried every class of drug available some including cocaine, shrooms, MDMA, nutmeg, inhalants,heroin, oxycodone, Amphetamines, DXM, PCP ,XANAX, cannabis (I use daily) ect. the list goes on. All of which were really nice experiences but nothing could compare to the beauty, positive insight, and overall euphoria MDA gave me that day.

Ok so back to the experience, my friend and I had been looking for some XTC during that time for a while. After searching for a few days, my friend was finally able to cop some pills. I ended up buying 2 Bowling Ball Ex pills that contained MDA instead of MDMA. I didn't know much about MDA at that time and didn't really much bother to even research it. All I knew is that my friend's older sister said these were highly potent and that I should be careful. Me being doubtful of its contents and potency, I end up taking the two and here is the experience:

0:00 I popped 2 rolls on an empty stomach and currently in a pretty happy mood. No other substance has entered my body today.

0:20 I start to feel some slight effects that similar to MDMA a positive mood lift and a slight change in vision.

0:45 Oh my God! everything went from normal to beautiful, light was glowing, everything around me was just heaven. Looking around I just stare, smile, and giggle at the beauty of life.

1:00 It keeps getting better I feel so good I find myself just moaning and touching everything around me. I get on my bed and I just roll around and feel such pleasurable sensations throughout my whole body not to mention how sexually turned on I got. I actually started licking my arm for some weird reason and even that feels fucking good. I couldn't walk straight but it really did not matter because even walking felt nice.

1:15 I start listening to music and words cannot even describe how fun and good music feels while on MDA. I feel like I'm in my own world, no problems, no sadness, just feels like I am alive and that life is just perfect. Every part of my body felt as if I am floating in a cloud of pure ecstasy all I could literally utter out was ' ohhhhhh my goooodd' and would constantly roll my eyes. I also notice I got double vision and really was the only downside of it.

3:00+ This goes on for the remainder of the time and at about three hours prior to the come up it started to initially decline in its effects. Unlike MDMA I felt no fatigue, depression, or even a sign of a bad comedown. One thing I also notice is that MDA is more hallucinogenic and euphoric than MDMA by far. I can see the total difference while MDMA has its special empathy properties MDA has a more of a trippy touch with a little bit of a strong stimulant kind of euphoria and to top it off it can work wonders with sex.

To sum it all up, this was probably top 3 of the best drug experiences I have been through, it was worth my time and money. my pills where tested and contained only MDA. I hope that you gain a little more knowledge and insight of MDA and its special effects.


Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82329
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 27, 2017Views: 1,649
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MDA (34) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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