Blank Mind With Vision Distortions
Atomoxetine & Cannabis
Citation:   Experienced User. "Blank Mind With Vision Distortions: An Experience with Atomoxetine & Cannabis (exp82357)". Jul 12, 2019.

40 mg oral Pharms - Atomoxetine
I am an experienced cannabis user, and have been smoking habitually for about five or six years. Recently, since freshmen year of college, I have on occasion suffered an adverse reaction, causes unknown.

The first time, I was sitting, smoking a good-night bowl, getting ready for sleep. Whilst watching a television show on my computer, I realized that I was spacing out more intensely than I had previously, and that my vision was distorted in ways I have difficulty explaining. It was like a tunnel-vision. This is accompanied by physical symptoms: severe bodily shaking.

Furthermore, in this altered state, it becomes difficult to think. I become easily confused. The first time, I had been sitting near an open window, so I assumed that was freezing to death. This was silly of course, but being high, I was also anxious, and panicky. Usually a very talkative person, I become very quiet, as I no longer think. That is the best way to express it: my mind is wiped, and I think *nothing*.
That is the best way to express it: my mind is wiped, and I think *nothing*.
This is perhaps the most frightening symptom. The first couple of times it happened I thought it meant I was dying.

This has happened three or four times over the course of three of four years. The first time it happened, I was driving, and had to pull over. A friend picked me up.

Now when it happens, I am less panicky, and can control myself. Still I do not know the cause, and I would like to, especially to ascertain as to whether there are long term implications.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82357
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 12, 2019Views: 581
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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