Spiral Erowid Zip Hoodie
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Citation:   Johnny. "Disappointed: An Experience with DXM (exp8245)". Erowid.org. Oct 19, 2020. erowid.org/exp/8245

200 mg oral DXM (liquid)
After reading about DXM and hearing some of my school friends tell me it was a pretty crazy experience, I was eager to try it out for myself. So one afternoon I went to the pharmacy and went to work on finding a purely DXM cough syrup. I was about to give up when I finally found a generic brand whose only ingredient was DXM.

At around 10 PM, I started downing metered dose after metered dose. After about 20 teaspoons at 10 mg. of DXM per teaspoon, I stopped ingesting. I walked home.

The onset of the effects did not come for about an hour. The first effect was visual: everything was becoming slightly pink. The lighter the surface, the pinker it appeared. A little bit later, a strange sensory effect set in. I felt cold, but the warmest parts of my body felt the coldest. I covered myself with a warm blanket and felt even colder. My perceptions of hot and cold had been reversed.

I was waiting, expecting visual hallucinations to start. My head felt like it was turning itself over. Basically, I felt as if my brain was in a blender. During the whole experience, I had no visual hallucinations except for when I closed my eyes. When I did that, a sort of green ooze seemed to be flowing around and taking on various shapes. Additionally, my left leg felt about five inches longer than my right. My whole body felt loose and jelly-like.

I fell asleep about 2 and a half hours after ingesting, so I might have missed some of the effects. I suspect not though, because I'm pretty sure I was going down by then.

Someone might have compared it to LSD, but don't expect an acid-like trip. On acid, my thoughts race and the visual hallucinations are vivid and often beautiful. On DXM, I can barely complete a thought and a lot of effort is required to have hallucinations. With DXM (someone has to come up with a slang name so I don't have to spell out the letters) I had a relaxing time with slowed down thinking and a few hallucinations. It's worth trying for the experience; but I was disappointed. Also, I had a groggy hangover the next day.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2020Views: 1,204
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