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Leaves Me Grateful and Experienced
Citation:   psychonaught . "Leaves Me Grateful and Experienced: An Experience with Ketamine (exp82522)". Mar 30, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 bump insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:30   insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
First off I'd like to to point out that I am experienced with psychoactive drugs. I have taken LSD, mushrooms, e and molly many times. Have tried 2c-E and salvia once each and have done my share of nitrous balloons. I am currently 19 years old living out in arizona. It is my first year at college and I am eager to search the campus for the best drugs I can find. After failing miserably to find e (which is my favorite) my friend (who ill call B) tells me that he can find me special k.

Now I've never done k. I've heard about this dissociative thats supposed to create a somewhat out of body experience. Then there was also this phenomenon called the 'k-hole' where one does a lot of k and trips out. Ketamine was not on my list of drugs I had to try so I tell B I am not interested.

B says, 'Dude, its really fun, I wouldn't go out of my way to get this for you if it wasn't worth it'

I figure 'what the fuck' and tell him to get me a 20 bag.

B comes back in about 20 minutes and gives me a bag with a small amount of white powder. I thank B and head back into my dorm with the small bag of Ketamine. I call up my good friend D and tell him to meet me at my dorm so he can see what I got.

I show D the bag of K and tell him what it is. He says that he has heard of it but is not interested in doing any with me. I ask him to watch me while I do it to make sure all goes well because I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. D sits on my roomates bed and I sit at my desk

00:00 rail a small bump, very smooth

2:00 feeling nothing, talking with D

5:00 still nothing, bump a bigger line, again very smooth

6:00 really not much at all and getting frustrated

6:30 rail the rest of the k...the whole 20 bag is gone

8:00 stand up, very very wobbly. Hands start to shake. I look over at D through blurred eyes.'Yo, I'm really fucked up,' I say to D. 'You okay though?' D responds. 'I think...' I manage to say. I have to sit back down in my chair. Everything is very, very heavy. I put my head in my hands slowly and entered a completely different world.

Now it felt as if I feel through the floor into a room that had 4 different squares in front of me. I could not move my head at all though, only my eyes. My eyes would look at a square, and I would be launched at it and into a different world. These different worlds would be made of more shapes. At one point I saw myself be folded into a triangle and pushed into space.

At one point, my hallucinations became unblinding and I could see the clock.

I had been tripping absolute balls for 45 minutes. D was on the computer. I asked him, 'what the fuck has been going on?' D laughs and says, 'You've been doing some crazy shit man'. I gape at D and again cannot focus. My head falls into my hands as I enter the dimensions of shapes once again.

This lasted for a solid hour and 15 minutes until I felt what I believe to be a 'normal' ketamine high. I was throughly enjoying myself then and felt happy to be alive in general.

Conclusion: Ketamine seems like it can be a blast. I actually can't wait to find it again. I just had a really intense experience my first time without expecting it. And honestly, I wasn't too afraid or too uncomfortable to be scared to try k again. But at least I know now how much NOT to do! :)

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 30, 2018Views: 1,004
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