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Tea Time in a Chute
Citation:   C. K.. "Tea Time in a Chute: An Experience with Kratom (exp82528)". Mar 24, 2018.

T+ 0:00
9 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:40 3 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
Time of dose – 700pm. Kratom mitragyna speciosa 9 grams oral parachuted

7:15pm No noticeable effects yet

I am a 20 year old female weighing in at 130 lbs, about 5’6 in height. I see myself as an experienced kratom user, though I have never made an experience report, I figured this time as good as any.

I started off working today, same as any normal day. I didn’t eat at all today until I got home and had a bologna sandwich about an hour ago. I always try to eat a little something either before or after dosing up to avoid any nausea.

I’ve experimented with kratom many times trying to figure out the right dose for me, as well as the most efficient way of ingesting without it being completely unpleasant. I’ve tried making the tea a number of different ways, though whenever I drink the tea it tends to upset my stomach, and often results in vomiting. I have also tried taking the capsules, though I’ve found that they take too long to dissolve, and dissolve at different speeds, not letting all of the kratom into my stomach at the same time. This method, the one I have found to be most efficient and tolerable is parachuting the kratom, in one ply of toilet paper. Just a gram or two at a time as doing it all at once is almost impossible. I chase it down with orange juice or water, though juice is more acidic allowing the alkaloids to be absorbed better into the body.

7:30pm – feeling a slight under-glow of euphoria, nothing much yet, may be due to having done kratom the night before. I find that if I do it more than once every other day I need to double dose, or add at least a few grams to achieve the desired state
I find that if I do it more than once every other day I need to double dose, or add at least a few grams to achieve the desired state
, which is true with many other substances.

7:35pm – just got a nice feeling of warmth all over, had to take off my sweatshirt. I notice that with kratom I often get very warm and if I get too warm I tend to get sick to my stomach. Going barefoot makes a tremendous difference.

I have also found that on kratom I need to be somewhat stationary, chilling out listening to music or watching TV is optimal, for me. Sometimes being on the computer, or typing gives me some motion sickness. Thus I can rarely read or work on schoolwork, though I always have a strong urge to get up and clean, or work on homework. At the moment I am on the computer writing this listening to some DJ Shadow, I might move on to something a little chiller like Radiohead.

7:50pm – Just started to notice the itch. Mostly on my face and back. My head is starting to feel a little fuzzy, can definitely feel some nice opiate-like effects. Sort of losing interest in typing, I’m enjoying the music much more now.

8:00pm – Feeling strong opiate effects all over, strong euphoria, feels like having taken a handful of oxycodones. I definitely have the ‘itch’ going on. Which for some reason, I thoroughly enjoy.

For the record I am currently in Drug Court, a consequence of probation violation. I get drug tested twice a week, like clockwork, so I haven’t done any illegal drugs in almost a year, although my local head-shop carries an aromatic potpourri that is very comparable to marijuana. I don’t like to mix the two just because I like to accurately enjoy the full effects of kratom.

8:10pm – feeling the full effects of the kratom now, itchy and a little sick to my stomach, I think it’s the typing.

8:23pm – I’m feeling it, but also considering taking another dose.

8:40pm – Second dose of 3 grams, have taken the same way. That makes 12 grams.

9:00pm – Starting to feel very nauseous, so I lay down.

9:30pm – Feeling very strong opiate effects, great euphoria and extremely relaxed, very care free and optimistic feeling.

9:50pm – heading to the gas station to get a sprite, I always crave sprite when on kratom. It helps keep my stomach settled, which mine is feeling very unsettled right now.

10:13pm – Put on some Bassnectar, I love to feel the deep beats.

12:00am – I keep nodding out for lengthy periods of time, definitely a strong dose.

2:00am – I’m not sure If I nodded out this whole time or if I feel asleep for a little while, it doesn’t feel like I slept at all. Still pretty high. Heading to bed though, get some good sleep.

All in all it was a fantastic experience, kratom is probably my favourite mind altering substance.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82528
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 24, 2018Views: 1,727
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